This package is created to make detection easy with openCV through ROS. it enables you to do face detection using openCV and publishes the detection results to a ROS topic. It also enables you to easily attach your camera frame on whichever parent frame you want through a convenient yaml file.
In addition to detection, it also alows you to adjust HSV values and save the settings on the fly.
This package works pretty well in ROS 1 melodic and Noetic
└── vision2_ros
├── config
├── include
│ └── vision2_ros
├── launch
├── msg
├── scripts
├── src
└── utils
Install openCV python
pip install opencv-python
Install cv-bridge
sudo apt-get install ros-<ros1-distro>-cv-bridge
Header header
string child_frame_id # child frame
int64 frame_h # frame height
int64 frame_w # frame width
int64[4] bbx # outputs an array of upper and lower bounding box of the detection. bbx[lower_left_x,lower_left_y,upper_right_x, upper_right_y]
int64 num_detection # outputs the number of detections
seq: 700
secs: 1679090099
nsecs: 442188024
frame_id: "base_link"
child_frame_id: "camera_link"
frame_h: 480
frame_w: 640
bbx: [359, 186, 487, 314]
num_detection: 1
the /camera/image/detections is the detection result topic while the /camera/image/raw is the raw image topic. /camera/image/faces is the image topic to get the face detection displayed. /camera/image/hsv displays the hsv values realtime
- /camera/image/detections
- /camera/image/faces
- /camera/image/hsv
- /camera/image/raw
the camera.yaml file contains the image source which is basically the webcam you want to use. change this paremeter depending on whether you are using a webcam or USB camnera
image_source: 0 # source of the image 0 for webcam, 2 for USB camera
Detection_type: "face" # what you want to detect. this is mostly used for cascade classifier
model_type: cascade_classifier # change to yolo if using yolo
path_to_weights: ""
path_to_harcascade: "/home/george/ros_vision/src/vision2_ros/utils/haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml" # change this path to match your path
child_frame: camera_link
parent_frame: base_link
Launch the camera.launch file so that the parameter will be loaded to the server
roslaunch vision2_ros camera.launch
Launch the camera node
rosrun vision2_ros
Once the camera node is ready change the fixed frame to base_link. Add the image in Rviz and set he image topic to /camera/image/raw
Launch the camera.launch file so that the parameter will be loaded to the server
roslaunch vision2_ros camera.launch
Launch the node to bring up the camera
rosrun vision2_ros
To launch the HSV setting node, you have to start the camera node first
roslaunch vision2_ros camera.launch
rosrun vision2_ros
Install the yaml module using the command
pip install pyyaml
Open another terminal and run the node to save the settings
variables to hold HSV settings
int64[6] hsv_values
HSV yaml file hsv_settings.yaml
low_H: 0
low_S: 243
low_V: 118
high_H: 180
high_S: 255
high_V: 255
The package includes an example code to use the HSV values gotten. To run this, run the launch file below
roslaunch vision2_ros hsv.launch