The main idea with the program is to find possible duplicates among a list of contacts.
The program will search in a list of contact for any possible duplicates among them. This list of possible matches will have a score based on how accurate is the match, this score goes from 1 to 5 where 1 is a low accuracy and 5 is a high accuracy
The steps that the program would take is:
Read the contact file, normalize its data (removing whitespaces and making everything lowercase)and store it in a data structure
Comparing each contact with each other, trying to find matches and a assign a score to the match .
Writing the output into a csv file.
To run the program:
- Be sure that there is an input file names "contact.csv" in the same folder as the program
- Execute "go run main.go"
- You should see that an "output.csv" file was created
To run the tests:
- Execute "go test *.go"