EPiServer integration with bit.ly. This package contains an oEmbed block (properties: URL, max width, max height) plus view. An API key from bit.ly is mandatory to use this package.
- Configuration section in web.config
- oEmbed block (URL, max width, max height) + view
- oEmbedApi class to call APi
Install-Package Geta.oEmbed
After the package is installed you'll have to register a free account on embed.ly to get an API key. In your web.config you should at the bottom see <oEmbedSettings apikey="your-key-here" />. Replace your-key-here with the API key from embed.ly.
Add oEmbedBlock to one of your content types:
public virtual oEmbedBlock EmbedBlock { get; set; }
And in your view:
@Html.PropertyFor(m => m.CurrentPage.EmbedBlock)
There's also a HTML helper method you can use:
That's it! Build and run your site. You'll now be able to embed any content from the supported 300 providers.
HTTPS support: In order to use secured protocol you need to enable it in oEmbed settings by adding secure="true" key. Only payed embed.ly plans support SSL, otherwise you will have HTTP Status: 400 error.
You can install the latest using NuGet from nuget.episerver.com.
You need an API key from embed.ly to use oEmbed. There's a free plan supported that supports upto 10 000 URLs each month (as well as paid plans with more options and support).
in Web.config:
<section name="oEmbedSettings" type="Geta.oEmbed.Configuration.oEmbedSettings, Geta.oEmbed"/>
<oEmbedSettings apikey="your-key-here" />
For an introduction see: Introducing oEmbed for EPiServer and New version of Geta oEmbed.
By default we cache the response the with a dependency on Episerver. You can disable it in web.config configuration using: DisableCache=true.
- Added support for Episerver 11
- Removed old dynamic content support
- Removed legacy custom property
- Added the latest Alloy sample site into solution
- oEmbed example added into sample site
- Added Docker support