- PHP mpesa library
- Table of contents
- Introduction
- Getting Started
- Installation
- Usage
- Initiating the library
- Editing configurations
- Example usage for the whole library
- Register validation and confirmation urls (C2B)
- Simulate a transaction (C2B)
- Initiate STK push (C2B)
- Checking the stk push query status (C2B)
- Sending money (B2B)
- Sending money (B2C)
- Check transaction status (General)
- Request for reversal (General)
- Check for balance (General)
- Register pull request callback URL (General)
- Send pull request (General)
- Advanced usage
- How To Contribute
- Getting Help
- Security
- Testing
A PHP Library that wraps around the mpesa APIs
This library runs on the following:
- PHP ^7.4
- PHP ^8.0
You can install the package via composer
composer require hackdelta/mpesa
In order to check for recent changes kindly check the Changelog
The purpose of this package is to wrap around Mpesa APIs in order to provide an easier and much neater methods. This library uses Guzzle http library under the hood for http requests.
This documentation will be divided into five sections covering specific areas. Any other additional notes are welcomed. Feel free to contribute.
- Introduction to the library
- C2B transactions
- B2B transactions
- B2C transactions
- General transactions
For further details that might not have been mention here check:
The library requires one to pass a configuration that will be used in various parts of the library
use Hackdelta\Mpesa\Mpesa;
use Hackdelta\Mpesa\Main\MpesaConfig;
use Hackdelta\Mpesa\Extras\MpesaConstants;
$config = new MpesaConfig(
// API Credentials
'consumer_key' => 'YOUR_CONSUMER_KEY',
'consumer_secret' => 'YOUR_CONSUMER_SECRET',
// Environment
'environment' => 'sandbox', // on sandbox environment
// 'environment' => 'production', // on production
// User credential
'initiator_name' => 'INITIATOR_NAME',
'initiator_password' => 'INITIATOR_PASSWORD',
// Or
'security_credential' => '',
// Used in combination with initiator name
// and password
// If you have different mpesa cert paths you can set them here
'sandbox_certificate_path' => '',
'production_certificate_path' => '',
// Lipa na mpesa online passkey
// For STK push
'passkey' => 'PASSKEY',
// Short code
'short_code' => 'SHORT_CODE', // This is your till or paybill
'business_short_code' => 'BUSINESS_SHORT_CODE', // This is your head office number which for
// paybills it's the same, leave this blank
// if you are using paybill
// Identifier type of the shortcode
'identifier_type' => MpesaConstants::MPESA_IDENTIFIER_TYPE_PAYBILL, // For paybills
// 'identifier_type' => MpesaConstants::MPESA_IDENTIFIER_TYPE_TILL, // For till
// Webhook URLS
'confirmation_url' => 'https://domain.example/confirm.php', // Where confirmation
// callbacks will hit
'validation_url' => 'https://domain.example/validate.php',
// STK callback URL
'stk_callback_url' => 'https://domain.example/callback.php',
// Query results URL
'queue_timeout_url' => 'https://domain.example/callback.php',
'result_url' => 'https://domain.example/callback.php',
// Pull request
'organization_msisdn' => '0722000000', // Used for pull requests, this is the
// number that receives confirmation messages
'pull_callback_url' => 'https://domain.example/callback.php',
$mpesa = new Mpesa($config);
You don't have to set all those configurations, it's just listed here for all configuration options available to you.
After initiation, each and every class provides you with a way of editing the configuration class on the fly
For example
use Hackdelta\Mpesa\Mpesa;
use Hackdelta\Mpesa\Main\MpesaConfig;
$config = new MpesaConfig(...); // Remember to pass in the configurations here
$mpesa = new Mpesa($config);
->setSandboxEnvironment(false) // Change environment to production, true means sandbox
->setConsumerKey('new consumer key');
Please note that the set methods can be chained.
For a full list of available methods check the specifications
This just shows an overview of a typical scenario this might be used for testing purposes, in this example we use test credentials, you are however required to provide all the callback URLS, the consumer key, the consumer secret, and your phone number for stk push test. You can get the test credentials from Safaricom developer portal Note: Some of this tests will fail because of having different shortcodes for B2B, anc C2B, in short B2B, C2B, reversal, and pull transaction requests are expected to fail
use Hackdelta\Mpesa\Mpesa;
use Hackdelta\Mpesa\Main\MpesaConfig;
use Hackdelta\Mpesa\Extras\MpesaConstants;
use Hackdelta\Mpesa\Exceptions\MpesaInternalException;
use Hackdelta\Mpesa\Exceptions\MpesaClientExceptions;
use Hackdelta\Mpesa\Exceptions\MpesaServerException;
$config = [
// API Credentials
'consumer_key' => 'YOUR_CONSUMER_KEY', // <--- Change this
'consumer_secret' => 'YOUR_CONSUMER_SECRET', // <--- Change this
// Environment
'environment' => 'sandbox', // on sandbox environment
// 'environment' => 'production', // on production
// User credential
'initiator_name' => 'testAPI497',
'initiator_password' => 'Safaricom111!',
// Lipa na mpesa online passkey
// For STK push
'passkey' => 'bfb279f9aa9bdbcf158e97dd71a467cd2e0c893059b10f78e6b72ada1ed2c919',
// Short code
'short_code' => '601497', // This is your till or paybill
'business_short_code' => '601497', // This is your head office number which for
// paybills it's the same, leave this blank
// if you are using paybill
// Identifier type of the shortcode
'identifier_type' => MpesaConstants::MPESA_IDENTIFIER_TYPE_PAYBILL, // For paybills
// 'identifier_type' => MpesaConstants::MPESA_IDENTIFIER_TYPE_TILL, // For till
// Webhook URLS
'confirmation_url' => 'https://domain.example.com/confirm.php', // Where confirmation
// callbacks will hit
'validation_url' => 'https://domain.example.com/validate.php',
// STK callback URL
'stk_callback_url' => 'https://domain.example.com/callback.php',
// Query results URL
'queue_timeout_url' => 'https://domain.example.com/callback.php',
'result_url' => 'https://domain.example.com/callback.php',
// Pull request
'organization_msisdn' => '0722000000', // Used for pull requests, this is the
// number that receives confirmation messages
'pull_callback_url' => 'https://domain.example.com/callback.php',
$mpesa = new Mpesa($config);
// Check internal
function test_getting_auth_token() {
echo $mpesa->getConfig()->getToken();
// C2B
function test_registering_c2b_callbacks() {
echo $mpesa->registerURL();
function test_simulating_transaction() {
echo $mpesa->simulate('254708374149', 100, 'test account reference');
function test_initiating_stk_push() {
->setShortcode("short_code", '174379')
->setBusinessShortCode("business_short_code", '174379');
// Change "254700000000" to your phone number
echo $mpesa->STKPush("254700000000", 1, "Test", "Test");
// Reset config back
->setShortcode("short_code", '601497')
->setBusinessShortCode("business_short_code", '601497');
function test_getting_Stk_push_status() {
->setConfig("short_code", '174379')
->setConfig("business_short_code", '174379');
// Change the checkout id to the one you git from running the above
echo $mpesa->STKPushQuery("ws_CO_030520210342393444");
// Reset config back
->setConfig("short_code", '601497')
->setConfig("business_short_code", '601497');
// General
function test_getting_balance() {
echo $mpesa->checkBalance();
function test_reversal() {
// Change 'PE341HJ3Q8' to a test value gotten after simulating the transaction
echo $mpesa->reverseTransaction('PE341HJ3Q8', 100, '2547000000000', MpesaConstants::MPESA_IDENTIFIER_TYPE_MSISDN);
function test_checking_transaction_Status() {
echo $mpesa->checkTransactionStatus('PE341HJ3Q8');
function test_register_pull_url() {
echo $mpesa->pullRequestRegisterURL();
function test_pull() {
echo $mpesa->pullRequestQuery("2019-07-31 20:00:00", "2019-07-31 22:00:00");
// B2C
function test_B2C() {
echo $mpesa->sendB2C(
// B2B
function test_B2B() {
echo $mpesa->sendB2B(
// In order to run the test uncomment one or more of the following
try {
* This tests should pass provided you've set the correct configurations
/* Pre request check */
/* C2B */
// test_registering_c2b_callbacks();
// test_simulating_transaction();
// test_initiating_stk_push();
// test_getting_Stk_push_status();
/* B2B */
// test_B2B(); // Expected to fail on sandbox
/* B2C */
// test_B2C(); // Expected to fail on sandbox
/* General */
// test_getting_balance();
// test_checking_transaction_Status();
// test_reversal(); // Expected to fail on sandbox
// test_register_pull_url(); // Expected to fail on sandbox
// test_pull(); // Expected to fail on sandbox
} catch(MpesaInternalException $e) {
// This exception occurs when a configuration is missing e.g. consumer key
echo $e->getMessage();
} catch(MpesaClientException $ce){
// This occurs when the request has been sent to the mpesa servers but some invalid
// data was supplied e.g. invalid consumer key
echo $ce->getStatusCode(); // Returns http status code of the error
echo $ce->getMessage(); // Returns the error message
echo $ce->getErrorBody(); // Returns the json string of the error body returned from server
print_r($ce->getRequestParameters()); // An array of the request parameters sent i.e. the headers,
// the request body, the URL hit, and method
} catch (MpesaServerException $se) {
// This occurs when the request has been sent to the mpesa servers
// but the server experienced some issues this is an error from the gateway and
// is not the client fault
echo $se->getStatusCode(); // Returns http status code of the error
echo $se->getMessage(); // Returns the error message
echo $se->getErrorBody(); // Returns the json string of the error body returned from server
print_r($se->getRequestParameters()); // An array of the request parameters sent i.e. the headers,
// the request body, the URL hit, and method
To register the confirmation and validation urls you'll need to set the following configurations
Note: This can be done only once in production*
use Hackdelta\Mpesa\Mpesa;
use Hackdelta\Mpesa\Main\MpesaConfig;
use Hackdelta\Mpesa\Extras\MpesaConstants;
use Hackdelta\Mpesa\Exceptions\MpesaInternalException;
use Hackdelta\Mpesa\Exceptions\MpesaClientExceptions;
use Hackdelta\Mpesa\Exceptions\MpesaServerException;
$config = new MpesaConfig(
// API Credentials
'consumer_key' => 'YOUR_CONSUMER_KEY',
'consumer_secret' => 'YOUR_CONSUMER_SECRET',
// Environment
'environment' => 'sandbox', // on sandbox environment
// Short code
'short_code' => 'SHORT_CODE', // This is your till or paybill
// Identifier type of the shortcode
'identifier_type' => MpesaConstants::MPESA_IDENTIFIER_TYPE_PAYBILL, // For paybills
// 'identifier_type' => MpesaConstants::MPESA_IDENTIFIER_TYPE_TILL, // For till
// Webhook URLS
'confirmation_url' => 'https://domain.example/confirm.php',
'validation_url' => 'https://domain.example/validate.php',
$mpesa = new Mpesa($config);
// Register urls
$response = $mpesa->C2B()->registerURL(); // Returns the MpesaResponse class object
echo $response;
// or
echo $response->getJSONString();
} catch(MpesaInternalException $e) {
// This exception occurs when a configuration is missing e.g. consumer key
echo $e->getMessage();
} catch(MpesaClientException $ce){
// This occurs when the request has been sent to the mpesa servers but some invalid
// data was supplied e.g. invalid consumer key
echo $ce->getStatusCode(); // Returns http status code of the error
echo $ce->getMessage(); // Returns the error message
echo $ce->getErrorBody(); // Returns the json string of the error body returned from server
print_r($ce->getRequestParameters()); // An array of the request parameters sent i.e. the headers,
// the request body, the URL hit, and method
} catch (MpesaServerException $se) {
// This occurs when the request has been sent to the mpesa servers
// but the server experienced some issues this is an error from the gateway and
// is not the client fault
echo $se->getStatusCode(); // Returns http status code of the error
echo $se->getMessage(); // Returns the error message
echo $se->getErrorBody(); // Returns the json string of the error body returned from server
print_r($se->getRequestParameters()); // An array of the request parameters sent i.e. the headers,
// the request body, the URL hit, and method
This is used to simulate a transaction during sandbox testing, if used in production this will throw an error
use Hackdelta\Mpesa\Mpesa;
use Hackdelta\Mpesa\Main\MpesaConfig;
use Hackdelta\Mpesa\Extras\MpesaConstants;
use Hackdelta\Mpesa\Exceptions\MpesaInternalException;
use Hackdelta\Mpesa\Exceptions\MpesaClientExceptions;
use Hackdelta\Mpesa\Exceptions\MpesaServerException;
$config = new MpesaConfig(
// API Credentials
'consumer_key' => 'YOUR_CONSUMER_KEY',
'consumer_secret' => 'YOUR_CONSUMER_SECRET',
// Environment
'environment' => 'sandbox', // on sandbox environment
// Short code
'short_code' => 'SHORT_CODE', // This is your till or paybill
// Identifier type of the shortcode
'identifier_type' => MpesaConstants::MPESA_IDENTIFIER_TYPE_PAYBILL, // For paybills
// 'identifier_type' => MpesaConstants::MPESA_IDENTIFIER_TYPE_TILL, // For til
$mpesa = new Mpesa($config);
// Simulate a transaction
$response = $mpesa->C2B()->simulate(
'25470000000', // Phone number to simulate, use test credentials
100, // Amount to transact
'account number' // if simulating for paybill otherwise should be blank
); // Returns the MpesaResponse class object
echo $response;
// or
echo $response->getJSONString();
} catch(MpesaInternalException $e) {
// This exception occurs when a configuration is missing e.g. consumer key
echo $e->getMessage();
} catch(MpesaClientException $ce){
// This occurs when the request has been sent to the mpesa servers but some invalid
// data was supplied e.g. invalid consumer key
echo $ce->getStatusCode(); // Returns http status code of the error
echo $ce->getMessage(); // Returns the error message
echo $ce->getErrorBody(); // Returns the json string of the error body returned from server
print_r($ce->getRequestParameters()); // An array of the request parameters sent i.e. the headers,
// the request body, the URL hit, and method
} catch (MpesaServerException $se) {
// This occurs when the request has been sent to the mpesa servers
// but the server experienced some issues this is an error from the gateway and
// is not the client fault
echo $se->getStatusCode(); // Returns http status code of the error
echo $se->getMessage(); // Returns the error message
echo $se->getErrorBody(); // Returns the json string of the error body returned from server
print_r($se->getRequestParameters()); // An array of the request parameters sent i.e. the headers,
// the request body, the URL hit, and method
This is used for lipa na mpesa online transaction and requires the following configs
use Hackdelta\Mpesa\Mpesa;
use Hackdelta\Mpesa\Main\MpesaConfig;
use Hackdelta\Mpesa\Extras\MpesaConstants;
use Hackdelta\Mpesa\Exceptions\MpesaInternalException;
use Hackdelta\Mpesa\Exceptions\MpesaClientExceptions;
use Hackdelta\Mpesa\Exceptions\MpesaServerException;
$config = new MpesaConfig(
// API Credentials
'consumer_key' => 'YOUR_CONSUMER_KEY',
'consumer_secret' => 'YOUR_CONSUMER_SECRET',
// Environment
'environment' => 'sandbox', // on sandbox environment
// Short code
'short_code' => 'SHORT_CODE', // This is your till or paybill
'business_short_code' => 'BUSINESS_SHORT_CODE', // This is your head office number which for
// paybills it's the same, leave this blank
// if you are using paybill
// Identifier type of the shortcode
'identifier_type' => MpesaConstants::MPESA_IDENTIFIER_TYPE_PAYBILL, // For paybills
// 'identifier_type' => MpesaConstants::MPESA_IDENTIFIER_TYPE_TILL, // For til
// Lipa na mpesa online passkey
// For STK push
'passkey' => 'PASSKEY',
// STK callback URL
'stk_callback_url' => 'https://domain.example/callback.php',
$mpesa = new Mpesa($config);
// Initiate an STK push request
$response = $mpesa->C2B()->initiateSTKPush(
'25470000000', // Phone number to send request to
100, // Amount to transact
// Optional parameters
'account number', // The account reference
'description', // Description accompanying the transaction
'timestamp' // Your own timestamp
); // Returns the MpesaResponse class object
echo $response;
// or
echo $response->getJSONString();
} catch(MpesaInternalException $e) {
// This exception occurs when a configuration is missing e.g. consumer key
echo $e->getMessage();
} catch(MpesaClientException $ce){
// This occurs when the request has been sent to the mpesa servers but some invalid
// data was supplied e.g. invalid consumer key
echo $ce->getStatusCode(); // Returns http status code of the error
echo $ce->getMessage(); // Returns the error message
echo $ce->getErrorBody(); // Returns the json string of the error body returned from server
print_r($ce->getRequestParameters()); // An array of the request parameters sent i.e. the headers,
// the request body, the URL hit, and method
} catch (MpesaServerException $se) {
// This occurs when the request has been sent to the mpesa servers
// but the server experienced some issues this is an error from the gateway and
// is not the client fault
echo $se->getStatusCode(); // Returns http status code of the error
echo $se->getMessage(); // Returns the error message
echo $se->getErrorBody(); // Returns the json string of the error body returned from server
print_r($se->getRequestParameters()); // An array of the request parameters sent i.e. the headers,
// the request body, the URL hit, and method
This is used to check the status of an stk push request
use Hackdelta\Mpesa\Mpesa;
use Hackdelta\Mpesa\Main\MpesaConfig;
use Hackdelta\Mpesa\Extras\MpesaConstants;
use Hackdelta\Mpesa\Exceptions\MpesaInternalException;
use Hackdelta\Mpesa\Exceptions\MpesaClientExceptions;
use Hackdelta\Mpesa\Exceptions\MpesaServerException;
$config = new MpesaConfig(
// API Credentials
'consumer_key' => 'YOUR_CONSUMER_KEY',
'consumer_secret' => 'YOUR_CONSUMER_SECRET',
// Environment
'environment' => 'sandbox', // on sandbox environment
// Short code
'short_code' => 'SHORT_CODE', // This is your till or paybill
'business_short_code' => 'BUSINESS_SHORT_CODE', // This is your head office number which for
// paybills it's the same, leave this blank
// if you are using paybill
// Identifier type of the shortcode
'identifier_type' => MpesaConstants::MPESA_IDENTIFIER_TYPE_PAYBILL, // For paybills
// 'identifier_type' => MpesaConstants::MPESA_IDENTIFIER_TYPE_TILL, // For til
// Lipa na mpesa online passkey
// For STK push
'passkey' => 'PASSKEY',
$mpesa = new Mpesa($config);
// Check for STK request status
$response = $mpesa->C2B()->STKPushQuery('checkout request id'); // Returns the MpesaResponse class object
echo $response;
// or
echo $response->getJSONString();
} catch(MpesaInternalException $e) {
// This exception occurs when a configuration is missing e.g. consumer key
echo $e->getMessage();
} catch(MpesaClientException $ce){
// This occurs when the request has been sent to the mpesa servers but some invalid
// data was supplied e.g. invalid consumer key
echo $ce->getStatusCode(); // Returns http status code of the error
echo $ce->getMessage(); // Returns the error message
echo $ce->getErrorBody(); // Returns the json string of the error body returned from server
print_r($ce->getRequestParameters()); // An array of the request parameters sent i.e. the headers,
// the request body, the URL hit, and method
} catch (MpesaServerException $se) {
// This occurs when the request has been sent to the mpesa servers
// but the server experienced some issues this is an error from the gateway and
// is not the client fault
echo $se->getStatusCode(); // Returns http status code of the error
echo $se->getMessage(); // Returns the error message
echo $se->getErrorBody(); // Returns the json string of the error body returned from server
print_r($se->getRequestParameters()); // An array of the request parameters sent i.e. the headers,
// the request body, the URL hit, and method
This is used for sending money from a business to a business, the following configurations are required
use Hackdelta\Mpesa\Mpesa;
use Hackdelta\Mpesa\Main\MpesaConfig;
use Hackdelta\Mpesa\Extras\MpesaConstants;
use Hackdelta\Mpesa\Exceptions\MpesaInternalException;
use Hackdelta\Mpesa\Exceptions\MpesaClientExceptions;
use Hackdelta\Mpesa\Exceptions\MpesaServerException;
$config = new MpesaConfig(
// API Credentials
'consumer_key' => 'YOUR_CONSUMER_KEY',
'consumer_secret' => 'YOUR_CONSUMER_SECRET',
// Environment
'environment' => 'sandbox', // on sandbox environment
// Short code
'short_code' => 'SHORT_CODE', // This is your till or paybill
// Identifier type of the shortcode
'identifier_type' => MpesaConstants::MPESA_IDENTIFIER_TYPE_PAYBILL, // For paybills
// 'identifier_type' => MpesaConstants::MPESA_IDENTIFIER_TYPE_TILL, // For til
// Query results URL
'queue_timeout_url' => 'https://domain.example/callback.php',
'result_url' => 'https://domain.example/callback.php',
$mpesa = new Mpesa($config);
// Perform B2B transaction
$response = $mpesa->B2B()->send(
50, // Amount
'to', // The shortcode of the other organization
'command id', // Check for appropriate command ids, some can be found in
// the MpesaConstant class
'receiver identifier type', // identifier of the reciever, expected
// Optional parameters
'account reference', // The account number
'remarks' // The remarks for the transactions
); // Returns the MpesaResponse class object
echo $response;
// or
echo $response->getJSONString();
} catch(MpesaInternalException $e) {
// This exception occurs when a configuration is missing e.g. consumer key
echo $e->getMessage();
} catch(MpesaClientException $ce){
// This occurs when the request has been sent to the mpesa servers but some invalid
// data was supplied e.g. invalid consumer key
echo $ce->getStatusCode(); // Returns http status code of the error
echo $ce->getMessage(); // Returns the error message
echo $ce->getErrorBody(); // Returns the json string of the error body returned from server
print_r($ce->getRequestParameters()); // An array of the request parameters sent i.e. the headers,
// the request body, the URL hit, and method
} catch (MpesaServerException $se) {
// This occurs when the request has been sent to the mpesa servers
// but the server experienced some issues this is an error from the gateway and
// is not the client fault
echo $se->getStatusCode(); // Returns http status code of the error
echo $se->getMessage(); // Returns the error message
echo $se->getErrorBody(); // Returns the json string of the error body returned from server
print_r($se->getRequestParameters()); // An array of the request parameters sent i.e. the headers,
// the request body, the URL hit, and method
This is used for sending money from a business to a client, e,g. salary payments, the following configurations are required
use Hackdelta\Mpesa\Mpesa;
use Hackdelta\Mpesa\Main\MpesaConfig;
use Hackdelta\Mpesa\Extras\MpesaConstants;
use Hackdelta\Mpesa\Exceptions\MpesaInternalException;
use Hackdelta\Mpesa\Exceptions\MpesaClientExceptions;
use Hackdelta\Mpesa\Exceptions\MpesaServerException;
$config = new MpesaConfig(
// API Credentials
'consumer_key' => 'YOUR_CONSUMER_KEY',
'consumer_secret' => 'YOUR_CONSUMER_SECRET',
// Environment
'environment' => 'sandbox', // on sandbox environment
// Short code
'short_code' => 'SHORT_CODE', // This is your till or paybill
// Identifier type of the shortcode
'identifier_type' => MpesaConstants::MPESA_IDENTIFIER_TYPE_PAYBILL, // For paybills
// 'identifier_type' => MpesaConstants::MPESA_IDENTIFIER_TYPE_TILL, // For til
// Query results URL
'queue_timeout_url' => 'https://domain.example/callback.php',
'result_url' => 'https://domain.example/callback.php',
$mpesa = new Mpesa($config);
// Perform B2C transaction
$response = $mpesa->B2C()->send(
50, // Amount
'to', // The shortcode of the other organization
'command id', // Check for appropriate command ids, some can be found in
// the MpesaConstant class
// Optional parameters
'remarks', // The remarks for the transactions
'occasion' // Occasion for transaction
); // Returns the MpesaResponse class object
echo $response;
// or
echo $response->getJSONString();
} catch(MpesaInternalException $e) {
// This exception occurs when a configuration is missing e.g. consumer key
echo $e->getMessage();
} catch(MpesaClientException $ce){
// This occurs when the request has been sent to the mpesa servers but some invalid
// data was supplied e.g. invalid consumer key
echo $ce->getStatusCode(); // Returns http status code of the error
echo $ce->getMessage(); // Returns the error message
echo $ce->getErrorBody(); // Returns the json string of the error body returned from server
print_r($ce->getRequestParameters()); // An array of the request parameters sent i.e. the headers,
// the request body, the URL hit, and method
} catch (MpesaServerException $se) {
// This occurs when the request has been sent to the mpesa servers
// but the server experienced some issues this is an error from the gateway and
// is not the client fault
echo $se->getStatusCode(); // Returns http status code of the error
echo $se->getMessage(); // Returns the error message
echo $se->getErrorBody(); // Returns the json string of the error body returned from server
print_r($se->getRequestParameters()); // An array of the request parameters sent i.e. the headers,
// the request body, the URL hit, and method
Used to check for account balance for the shortcode
use Hackdelta\Mpesa\Mpesa;
use Hackdelta\Mpesa\Main\MpesaConfig;
use Hackdelta\Mpesa\Extras\MpesaConstants;
use Hackdelta\Mpesa\Exceptions\MpesaInternalException;
use Hackdelta\Mpesa\Exceptions\MpesaClientExceptions;
use Hackdelta\Mpesa\Exceptions\MpesaServerException;
$config = new MpesaConfig(
// API Credentials
'consumer_key' => 'YOUR_CONSUMER_KEY',
'consumer_secret' => 'YOUR_CONSUMER_SECRET',
// Environment
'environment' => 'sandbox', // on sandbox environment
// Short code
'short_code' => 'SHORT_CODE', // This is your till or paybill
// Identifier type of the shortcode
'identifier_type' => MpesaConstants::MPESA_IDENTIFIER_TYPE_PAYBILL, // For paybills
// 'identifier_type' => MpesaConstants::MPESA_IDENTIFIER_TYPE_TILL, // For til
// User credential
'initiator_name' => 'YOUR_INITIATOR_NAME',
'initiator_password' => 'YOUR_INITIATOR_PASSWORD',
// Query results URL
'queue_timeout_url' => 'https://domain.example/callback.php',
'result_url' => 'https://domain.example/callback.php',
$mpesa = new Mpesa($config);
// Check transaction status
$response = $mpesa->checkTransactionStatus(
'transaction id', // The mpesa transaction id e.g. MXO1DGH5
// Optional parameters
'remarks', // The remarks for the transactions
'occasion' // The occasion for the request
); // Returns the MpesaResponse class object
echo $response;
// or
echo $response->getJSONString();
} catch(MpesaInternalException $e) {
// This exception occurs hen a configuration is missing e.g. consumer key
echo $e->getMessage();
} catch(MpesaClientException $ce){
// This occurs when the request has been sent to the mpesa servers but some invalid
// data was supplied e.g. invalid consumer key
echo $ce->getStatusCode(); // Returns http status code of the error
echo $ce->getMessage(); // Returns the error message
echo $ce->getErrorBody(); // Returns the json string of the error body returned from server
print_r($ce->getRequestParameters()); // An array of the request parameters sent i.e. the headers,
// the request body, the URL hit, and method
} catch (MpesaServerException $se) {
// This occurs when the request has been sent to the mpesa servers
// but the server experienced some issues this is an error from the gateway and
// is not the client fault
echo $se->getStatusCode(); // Returns http status code of the error
echo $se->getMessage(); // Returns the error message
echo $se->getErrorBody(); // Returns the json string of the error body returned from server
print_r($se->getRequestParameters()); // An array of the request parameters sent i.e. the headers,
// the request body, the URL hit, and method
Used to reverse a transaction
use Hackdelta\Mpesa\Mpesa;
use Hackdelta\Mpesa\Main\MpesaConfig;
use Hackdelta\Mpesa\Extras\MpesaConstants;
use Hackdelta\Mpesa\Exceptions\MpesaInternalException;
use Hackdelta\Mpesa\Exceptions\MpesaClientExceptions;
use Hackdelta\Mpesa\Exceptions\MpesaServerException;
$config = new MpesaConfig(
// API Credentials
'consumer_key' => 'YOUR_CONSUMER_KEY',
'consumer_secret' => 'YOUR_CONSUMER_SECRET',
// Environment
'environment' => 'sandbox', // on sandbox environment
// Short code
'short_code' => 'SHORT_CODE', // This is your till or paybill
// Identifier type of the shortcode
'identifier_type' => MpesaConstants::MPESA_IDENTIFIER_TYPE_PAYBILL, // For paybills
// 'identifier_type' => MpesaConstants::MPESA_IDENTIFIER_TYPE_TILL, // For til
// User credential
'initiator_name' => 'YOUR_INITIATOR_NAME',
'initiator_password' => 'YOUR_INITIATOR_PASSWORD',
// Query results URL
'queue_timeout_url' => 'https://domain.example/callback.php',
'result_url' => 'https://domain.example/callback.php',
$mpesa = new Mpesa($config);
// Start a reversal
$response = $mpesa->reverseTransaction(
'transaction id', // The mpesa transaction id to reverse e.g. MX1C1K2LIM
10, // The amount to be reversed
// Optional parameters
'remarks', // The remarks for the transactions
'occasion' // Occasion for the transaction
); // Returns the MpesaResponse class object
echo $response;
// or
echo $response->getJSONString();
} catch(MpesaInternalException $e) {
// This exception occurs when a configuration is missing e.g. consumer key
echo $e->getMessage();
} catch(MpesaClientException $ce){
// This occurs when the request has been sent to the mpesa servers but some invalid
// data was supplied e.g. invalid consumer key
echo $ce->getStatusCode(); // Returns http status code of the error
echo $ce->getMessage(); // Returns the error message
echo $ce->getErrorBody(); // Returns the json string of the error body returned from server
print_r($ce->getRequestParameters()); // An array of the request parameters sent i.e. the headers,
// the request body, the URL hit, and method
} catch (MpesaServerException $se) {
// This occurs when the request has been sent to the mpesa servers
// but the server experienced some issues this is an error from the gateway and
// is not the client fault
echo $se->getStatusCode(); // Returns http status code of the error
echo $se->getMessage(); // Returns the error message
echo $se->getErrorBody(); // Returns the json string of the error body returned from server
print_r($se->getRequestParameters()); // An array of the request parameters sent i.e. the headers,
// the request body, the URL hit, and method
Used to check for account balance for the shortcode
use Hackdelta\Mpesa\Mpesa;
use Hackdelta\Mpesa\Main\MpesaConfig;
use Hackdelta\Mpesa\Extras\MpesaConstants;
use Hackdelta\Mpesa\Exceptions\MpesaInternalException;
use Hackdelta\Mpesa\Exceptions\MpesaClientExceptions;
use Hackdelta\Mpesa\Exceptions\MpesaServerException;
$config = new MpesaConfig(
// API Credentials
'consumer_key' => 'YOUR_CONSUMER_KEY',
'consumer_secret' => 'YOUR_CONSUMER_SECRET',
// Environment
'environment' => 'sandbox', // on sandbox environment
// Short code
'short_code' => 'SHORT_CODE', // This is your till or paybill
// Identifier type of the shortcode
'identifier_type' => MpesaConstants::MPESA_IDENTIFIER_TYPE_PAYBILL, // For paybills
// 'identifier_type' => MpesaConstants::MPESA_IDENTIFIER_TYPE_TILL, // For til
// User credential
'initiator_name' => 'YOUR_INITIATOR_NAME',
'initiator_password' => 'YOUR_INITIATOR_PASSWORD',
// Query results URL
'queue_timeout_url' => 'https://domain.example/callback.php',
'result_url' => 'https://domain.example/callback.php',
$mpesa = new Mpesa($config);
// Check balance
$response = $mpesa->checkBalance(
// Optional parameters
'remarks', // The remarks for the transactions
); // Returns the MpesaResponse class object
echo $response;
// or
echo $response->getJSONString();
} catch(MpesaInternalException $e) {
// This exception occurs when a configuration is missing e.g. consumer key
echo $e->getMessage();
} catch(MpesaClientException $ce){
// This occurs when the request has been sent to the mpesa servers but some invalid
// data was supplied e.g. invalid consumer key
echo $ce->getStatusCode(); // Returns http status code of the error
echo $ce->getMessage(); // Returns the error message
echo $ce->getErrorBody(); // Returns the json string of the error body returned from server
print_r($ce->getRequestParameters()); // An array of the request parameters sent i.e. the headers,
// the request body, the URL hit, and method
} catch (MpesaServerException $se) {
// This occurs when the request has been sent to the mpesa servers
// but the server experienced some issues this is an error from the gateway and
// is not the client fault
echo $se->getStatusCode(); // Returns http status code of the error
echo $se->getMessage(); // Returns the error message
echo $se->getErrorBody(); // Returns the json string of the error body returned from server
print_r($se->getRequestParameters()); // An array of the request parameters sent i.e. the headers,
// the request body, the URL hit, and method
This is a relatively new API and i'll advice that one first checks the specifications and the mpesa endpoints documentations. This API is used to request for transaction statement from safaricom here we are registering the callback URL that will receive the results of a pull request call.
use Hackdelta\Mpesa\Mpesa;
use Hackdelta\Mpesa\Main\MpesaConfig;
use Hackdelta\Mpesa\Extras\MpesaConstants;
use Hackdelta\Mpesa\Exceptions\MpesaInternalException;
use Hackdelta\Mpesa\Exceptions\MpesaClientExceptions;
use Hackdelta\Mpesa\Exceptions\MpesaServerException;
$config = new MpesaConfig(
// API Credentials
'consumer_key' => 'YOUR_CONSUMER_KEY',
'consumer_secret' => 'YOUR_CONSUMER_SECRET',
// Environment
'environment' => 'sandbox', // on sandbox environment
// Short code
'short_code' => 'SHORT_CODE', // This is your till or paybill
// Identifier type of the shortcode
'identifier_type' => MpesaConstants::MPESA_IDENTIFIER_TYPE_PAYBILL, // For paybills
// 'identifier_type' => MpesaConstants::MPESA_IDENTIFIER_TYPE_TILL, // For till
// Pull request
'organization_msisdn' => '0722000000', // Used for pull requests, this is the
// number that receives confirmation messages
'pull_callback_url' => 'https://domain.example/callback.php'
$mpesa = new Mpesa($config);
// Register pull request callback URL
$response = $mpesa->pullRequestRegisterURL(); // Returns the MpesaResponse class object
echo $response;
// or
echo $response->getJSONString();
} catch(MpesaInternalException $e) {
// This exception occurs when a configuration is missing e.g. consumer key
echo $e->getMessage();
} catch(MpesaClientException $ce){
// This occurs when the request has been sent to the mpesa servers but some invalid
// data was supplied e.g. invalid consumer key
echo $ce->getStatusCode(); // Returns http status code of the error
echo $ce->getMessage(); // Returns the error message
echo $ce->getErrorBody(); // Returns the json string of the error body returned from server
print_r($ce->getRequestParameters()); // An array of the request parameters sent i.e. the headers,
// the request body, the URL hit, and method
} catch (MpesaServerException $se) {
// This occurs when the request has been sent to the mpesa servers
// but the server experienced some issues this is an error from the gateway and
// is not the client fault
echo $se->getStatusCode(); // Returns http status code of the error
echo $se->getMessage(); // Returns the error message
echo $se->getErrorBody(); // Returns the json string of the error body returned from server
print_r($se->getRequestParameters()); // An array of the request parameters sent i.e. the headers,
// the request body, the URL hit, and method
This is a relatively new API and i'll advice that one first checks the specifications and the mpesa endpoints documentations. This API is used to request for transaction statement from safaricom
use Hackdelta\Mpesa\Mpesa;
use Hackdelta\Mpesa\Main\MpesaConfig;
use Hackdelta\Mpesa\Extras\MpesaConstants;
use Hackdelta\Mpesa\Exceptions\MpesaInternalException;
use Hackdelta\Mpesa\Exceptions\MpesaClientExceptions;
use Hackdelta\Mpesa\Exceptions\MpesaServerException;
$config = new MpesaConfig(
// API Credentials
'consumer_key' => 'YOUR_CONSUMER_KEY',
'consumer_secret' => 'YOUR_CONSUMER_SECRET',
// Environment
'environment' => 'sandbox', // on sandbox environment
// Short code
'short_code' => 'SHORT_CODE', // This is your till or paybill
// Identifier type of the shortcode
'identifier_type' => MpesaConstants::MPESA_IDENTIFIER_TYPE_PAYBILL, // For paybills
// 'identifier_type' => MpesaConstants::MPESA_IDENTIFIER_TYPE_TILL, // For till
// Pull request
'organization_msisdn' => '0722000000', // Used for pull requests, this is the
// number that receives confirmation messages
'pull_callback_url' => 'https://domain.example/callback.php'
$mpesa = new Mpesa($config);
// Initiate a pull request
$response = $mpesa->pullRequestQuery(
'2019-07-31 20:35:21', // The start date in the format shown
'2019-08-01 20:35:21', // The end date in the format shown
0 // The offset
); // Returns the MpesaResponse class object
echo $response;
// or
echo $response->getJSONString();
} catch(MpesaInternalException $e) {
// This exception occurs when a configuration is missing e.g. consumer key
echo $e->getMessage();
} catch(MpesaClientException $ce){
// This occurs when the request has been sent to the mpesa servers but some invalid
// data was supplied e.g. invalid consumer key
echo $ce->getStatusCode(); // Returns http status code of the error
echo $ce->getMessage(); // Returns the error message
echo $ce->getErrorBody(); // Returns the json string of the error body returned from server
print_r($ce->getRequestParameters()); // An array of the request parameters sent i.e. the headers,
// the request body, the URL hit, and method
} catch (MpesaServerException $se) {
// This occurs when the request has been sent to the mpesa servers
// but the server experienced some issues this is an error from the gateway and
// is not the client fault
echo $se->getStatusCode(); // Returns http status code of the error
echo $se->getMessage(); // Returns the error message
echo $se->getErrorBody(); // Returns the json string of the error body returned from server
print_r($se->getRequestParameters()); // An array of the request parameters sent i.e. the headers,
// the request body, the URL hit, and method
If you have any questions about advanced usage raise an issue in the issues tab. Examples may include:
- Persist token if the token is stored in database.
- Switching between different types of shortcodes e.g. from normal C2B shortcode to a B2C shortcode
The above can be achieved by just changing the configs before sending the next request. Most of this revolve around the config file itself, the config is passed by reference therefore a change in one affects changes in the rest of the configuration. This is by design to enable easy manipulation of the configurations without having to change the config for multiple classes. This behavior forms some sort of shared data between the classes;
TODO: Add example of advanced usage
Please have a look at the library specifications to see what methods and any other specification your contributions should follow, before continuing.
Git is our version control system of choice and GitHub is our current repository platform. Here is how we work with Git:
Generally we prefer branches over forks to ease internal collaboration.
When in doubt, use feature branches and gitflow as your branch naming scheme.
We have decided to adopt the Git Feature Branch Workflow.
Keep your repository clean; delete merged branches and avoid committing files specific to your dev environment (e.g. .DS_Store).
Follow this guidance about good commit messages.
Consider signing commits with a GPG key.
Feature branches have the following prefix: feature/.
Get your code approved by the project lead before pushing to master and deploying to production.
In case of any assistance regarding the project, you can escalate the issue on the project's issue board.
If you discover any security related issues, please email [email protected] instead of using the issue tracker.