This package is in active development, and acts as a wrapper around the Field Line Universal relaXer (FLUX), a solar magnetic field model. This means that it requires the FLUX perl/C software located on Github. This version of the fluxpype software and installation instructions should be able to install the entire suite in one go. Please contact Dr. Gilly if you struggle with the installation.
Open a terminal, navigate to your desired repo library directory, then type the following commands to download and install it in a local virtual environment:
This may ask you to install the developer tools, which you will need. Run the command again, then run:
cd fluxpype
python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
This might fail the first time, but you'll be able to restart the process by opening a new terminal, reactivating the python environment, and running this command again, and it should be good.
Once the package has been locally installed, test it out by typing this from within the fluxpype directory:
python3 fluxpype
If python doesn't see the fluxpype module, try running the following in the fluxpype directory:
python3 -m pip install -e .
Another simple test you can run is to type
perl -e "use Flux"
If this throws an exception, your FLUX code isn't correctly compiled and linked. Please see the repo for the FLUX project for installation instructions.
Editing the configuration file by running the flux-config-edit command is one of the primary ways to interface with the code. The file can also be edited directly. The second line of the config file selects which profile that fluxpype will use. Any settings not redefined in that profile will use the default settings from the first block ("DEFAULT").
To see the details of the current job configuration:
To edit the details of the configuration, modify config.ini. You can find that by typing:
The pipe can be invoked in four ways.
% flux-config-run
% python3 fluxpype/
% python3 fluxpype
% python3
>>> from fluxpype.config_runner import run
>>> run()
This project welcomes contributions and suggestions. For details, visit the repository's Contributor License Agreement (CLA) and Code of Conduct pages.