Command-line NBT editor, with support for reading and writing a custom NBT-like text language.
Author: GinjaNinja32 (@GNinja32)
All binaries require Java 7
v1.0 - No text file support, just load/save of NBT files
v1.1 - Supports read/write of text format
v1.1 Update 1 - GZip saving fixed, added -g argument to read a compressed file
List of in-app commands: Type 'help' at the '>' prompt to access this list in-app.
Command | Result |
add <type> | Add a new tag |
rem <name|index> | Remove a tag |
ls | View the contents of the current tag |
cd | Change to another tag. Path is '/' or '\'-separated, '..' is parent. |
clr | Clear (empty) the current tag |
exit | Exits the program without saving |
save <filename> | Save to the specified file. |
save -g <filename> | Save to the specified file with GZIP compression. |
load <filename> | Load from the specified file. |
load -g <filename> | Load from the specified file with GZIP compression. |
help | Show this help text |
Argument | Result |
-d file1 file2 | Decode file1 (in true NBT format), and write the results (in text format) to file2 |
-c file1 file2 | Encode file1 (in text format), and write the results (in true NBT format) to file2 |
-m file | Load file in text format |
-g file | Load file with gzip decompression |
Text language:
All tag types are supported:
- byte
- short
- int
- long
- float
- double
- bytearr
- string
- list
- compound
- intarr