This external adapter takes wallet address of any user as input and fetches all nfts present in his wallet and the reason I made this external adapter is I have made a marketplace where users is minting nfts and they can stake that minted nfts to earn erc20 tokens as rewards but they can't use their nfts present inside their wallet
so to integrate this adapter with my nft marketplace smart contract so that users can choose any nfts present inside their wallet and stake it to earn erc20 tokens
How to run this NFT Chainlink External Adapter :
First > Clone this repository
You can remove the existing git history by running:
rm -rf .git
Second > Install dependencies:
Run the local tests:
yarn test
Natively run the application (defaults to port 8080):
yarn start
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"id":"1","data":{"walletAddress":"0x123a434aa5678dfdfd9abcdef"},"type":"external"}' "http://localhost:8080"