1- Mohammad Alshraideh (team leader)
2- Esam Ankir (team member)
3- Hadeel Saleh (team member)
4- Mohammed Aldahleh (team member)
5- Islam Rwashdeh (team member)
is webSite that allows users to market real estate
such as houses, apartments , lands and ...etc .
This website contains users real estate ads created within the website .
1-visitor : as a visitor (not registred ), i want the ability to read the content of the website (posts)
2-regular user :
as user (registred user ) , i want the ability to create
, update
and delete
my own posts ,
contact with other users and read the content of the website (posts)
3- admin :
as an admin : i will have the ability to act as aregular user and i will have the ability to control
every single part of the website such as : delete
any user
and post
Functional Requirements:
- A visitor can read all posts on the website home page.
- A visitor can search all of the posts in the website App.
- A user (signed in) has the ability to do all things that visitor can.
- A user can create posts.
- A user can update and delete their posts.
- A user can contact with any user on the website (live chat).
- A user can update their profile information.
- An admin has the ability to do all things that visitor and users can do.
- An admin can create and delete user accounts.
- An admin can delete any posts on the website.
Non-Functional Requirements :
1- Security : create token when the user registred and will hash his password
2- Usability : true
3-performance : high
4-scalacility : true
5-Reliability : true
6-Maintainability : true
7- Serviceability : true
8-Utility : true
Manageability : true