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Thaerith committed May 19, 2024
1 parent 03ba32e commit 62e6920
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Showing 44 changed files with 3,405 additions and 0 deletions.
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@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@

package dev.gitlive.firebase.externals

import kotlin.js.Promise

external fun initializeApp(options: Any, name: String = definedExternally): FirebaseApp

external fun getApp(name: String = definedExternally): FirebaseApp

external fun getApps(): Array<FirebaseApp>

external fun deleteApp(app: FirebaseApp): Promise<Unit>

external interface FirebaseApp {
val automaticDataCollectionEnabled: Boolean
val name: String
val options: FirebaseOptions

external interface FirebaseOptions {
val apiKey: String
val appId : String
val authDomain: String?
val databaseURL: String?
val measurementId: String?
val messagingSenderId: String?
val gaTrackingId: String?
val projectId: String?
val storageBucket: String?
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
* Copyright (c) 2020 GitLive Ltd. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.

package dev.gitlive.firebase

import dev.gitlive.firebase.externals.deleteApp
import dev.gitlive.firebase.externals.getApp
import dev.gitlive.firebase.externals.getApps
import dev.gitlive.firebase.externals.initializeApp
import kotlin.js.json
import dev.gitlive.firebase.externals.FirebaseApp as JsFirebaseApp

actual val FirebaseApp
get() = FirebaseApp(getApp())

actual fun String): FirebaseApp =

actual fun Firebase.initialize(context: Any?): FirebaseApp? =
throw UnsupportedOperationException("Cannot initialize firebase without options in JS")

actual fun Firebase.initialize(context: Any?, options: FirebaseOptions, name: String): FirebaseApp =
FirebaseApp(initializeApp(options.toJson(), name))

actual fun Firebase.initialize(context: Any?, options: FirebaseOptions) =

actual class FirebaseApp internal constructor(val js: JsFirebaseApp) {
actual val name: String
get() =
actual val options: FirebaseOptions
get() = {
FirebaseOptions(appId, apiKey, databaseURL, gaTrackingId, storageBucket, projectId, messagingSenderId, authDomain)

actual suspend fun delete() {

actual fun Firebase.apps(context: Any?) = getApps().map { FirebaseApp(it) }

private fun FirebaseOptions.toJson() = json(
"apiKey" to apiKey,
"appId" to applicationId,
"databaseURL" to (databaseUrl ?: undefined),
"storageBucket" to (storageBucket ?: undefined),
"projectId" to (projectId ?: undefined),
"gaTrackingId" to (gaTrackingId ?: undefined),
"messagingSenderId" to (gcmSenderId ?: undefined),
"authDomain" to (authDomain ?: undefined)

actual open class FirebaseException(code: String?, cause: Throwable) : Exception("$code: ${cause.message}", cause)
actual open class FirebaseNetworkException(code: String?, cause: Throwable) : FirebaseException(code, cause)
actual open class FirebaseTooManyRequestsException(code: String?, cause: Throwable) : FirebaseException(code, cause)
actual open class FirebaseApiNotAvailableException(code: String?, cause: Throwable) : FirebaseException(code, cause)
193 changes: 193 additions & 0 deletions firebase-auth/src/wasmJsMain/kotlin/auth/auth.kt
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@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
* Copyright (c) 2020 GitLive Ltd. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.

package dev.gitlive.firebase.auth

import dev.gitlive.firebase.Firebase
import dev.gitlive.firebase.FirebaseApp
import dev.gitlive.firebase.FirebaseException
import dev.gitlive.firebase.FirebaseNetworkException
import dev.gitlive.firebase.auth.externals.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.await
import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.awaitClose
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.callbackFlow
import kotlin.js.json
import dev.gitlive.firebase.auth.externals.AuthResult as JsAuthResult

actual val Firebase.auth
get() = rethrow { FirebaseAuth(getAuth()) }

actual fun Firebase.auth(app: FirebaseApp) =
rethrow { FirebaseAuth(getAuth(app.js)) }

actual class FirebaseAuth internal constructor(val js: Auth) {

actual val currentUser: FirebaseUser?
get() = rethrow { js.currentUser?.let { FirebaseUser(it) } }

actual val authStateChanged get() = callbackFlow<FirebaseUser?> {
val unsubscribe = js.onAuthStateChanged {
trySend(it?.let { FirebaseUser(it) })
awaitClose { unsubscribe() }

actual val idTokenChanged get() = callbackFlow<FirebaseUser?> {
val unsubscribe = js.onIdTokenChanged {
trySend(it?.let { FirebaseUser(it) })
awaitClose { unsubscribe() }

actual var languageCode: String
get() = js.languageCode ?: ""
set(value) { js.languageCode = value }

actual suspend fun applyActionCode(code: String) = rethrow { applyActionCode(js, code).await() }
actual suspend fun confirmPasswordReset(code: String, newPassword: String) = rethrow { confirmPasswordReset(js, code, newPassword).await() }

actual suspend fun createUserWithEmailAndPassword(email: String, password: String) =
rethrow { AuthResult(createUserWithEmailAndPassword(js, email, password).await()) }

actual suspend fun fetchSignInMethodsForEmail(email: String): List<String> = rethrow { fetchSignInMethodsForEmail(js, email).await().asList() }

actual suspend fun sendPasswordResetEmail(email: String, actionCodeSettings: ActionCodeSettings?) =
rethrow { sendPasswordResetEmail(js, email, actionCodeSettings?.toJson()).await() }

actual suspend fun sendSignInLinkToEmail(email: String, actionCodeSettings: ActionCodeSettings) =
rethrow { sendSignInLinkToEmail(js, email, actionCodeSettings.toJson()).await() }

actual fun isSignInWithEmailLink(link: String) = rethrow { isSignInWithEmailLink(js, link) }

actual suspend fun signInWithEmailAndPassword(email: String, password: String) =
rethrow { AuthResult(signInWithEmailAndPassword(js, email, password).await()) }

actual suspend fun signInWithCustomToken(token: String) =
rethrow { AuthResult(signInWithCustomToken(js, token).await()) }

actual suspend fun signInAnonymously() =
rethrow { AuthResult(signInAnonymously(js).await()) }

actual suspend fun signInWithCredential(authCredential: AuthCredential) =
rethrow { AuthResult(signInWithCredential(js, authCredential.js).await()) }

actual suspend fun signInWithEmailLink(email: String, link: String) =
rethrow { AuthResult(signInWithEmailLink(js, email, link).await()) }

actual suspend fun signOut() = rethrow { signOut(js).await() }

actual suspend fun updateCurrentUser(user: FirebaseUser) =
rethrow { updateCurrentUser(js, user.js).await() }

actual suspend fun verifyPasswordResetCode(code: String): String =
rethrow { verifyPasswordResetCode(js, code).await() }

actual suspend fun <T : ActionCodeResult> checkActionCode(code: String): T = rethrow {
val result = checkActionCode(js, code).await()
return when(result.operation) {
"EMAIL_SIGNIN" -> ActionCodeResult.SignInWithEmailLink
"VERIFY_EMAIL" -> ActionCodeResult.VerifyEmail(!!)
"PASSWORD_RESET" -> ActionCodeResult.PasswordReset(!!)
"RECOVER_EMAIL" -> ActionCodeResult.RecoverEmail(!!,!!)
"VERIFY_AND_CHANGE_EMAIL" -> ActionCodeResult.VerifyBeforeChangeEmail(!!,!!
"REVERT_SECOND_FACTOR_ADDITION" -> ActionCodeResult.RevertSecondFactorAddition(!!, { MultiFactorInfo(it) }
else -> throw UnsupportedOperationException(result.operation)
} as T

actual fun useEmulator(host: String, port: Int) = rethrow { connectAuthEmulator(js, "http://$host:$port") }

actual class AuthResult internal constructor(val js: JsAuthResult) {
actual val user: FirebaseUser?
get() = rethrow { js.user?.let { FirebaseUser(it) } }

actual class AuthTokenResult(val js: IdTokenResult) {
// actual val authTimestamp: Long
// get() = js.authTime
actual val claims: Map<String, Any>
get() = (js("Object").keys( as Array<String>).mapNotNull {
key ->[key]?.let { key to it }
// actual val expirationTimestamp: Long
// get() = android.expirationTime
// actual val issuedAtTimestamp: Long
// get() = js.issuedAtTime
actual val signInProvider: String?
get() = js.signInProvider
actual val token: String?
get() = js.token

internal fun ActionCodeSettings.toJson() = json(
"url" to url,
"android" to (androidPackageName?.run { json("installApp" to installIfNotAvailable, "minimumVersion" to minimumVersion, "packageName" to packageName) } ?: undefined),
"dynamicLinkDomain" to (dynamicLinkDomain ?: undefined),
"handleCodeInApp" to canHandleCodeInApp,
"ios" to (iOSBundleId?.run { json("bundleId" to iOSBundleId) } ?: undefined)

actual open class FirebaseAuthException(code: String?, cause: Throwable): FirebaseException(code, cause)
actual open class FirebaseAuthActionCodeException(code: String?, cause: Throwable): FirebaseAuthException(code, cause)
actual open class FirebaseAuthEmailException(code: String?, cause: Throwable): FirebaseAuthException(code, cause)
actual open class FirebaseAuthInvalidCredentialsException(code: String?, cause: Throwable): FirebaseAuthException(code, cause)
actual open class FirebaseAuthWeakPasswordException(code: String?, cause: Throwable): FirebaseAuthInvalidCredentialsException(code, cause)
actual open class FirebaseAuthInvalidUserException(code: String?, cause: Throwable): FirebaseAuthException(code, cause)
actual open class FirebaseAuthMultiFactorException(code: String?, cause: Throwable): FirebaseAuthException(code, cause)
actual open class FirebaseAuthRecentLoginRequiredException(code: String?, cause: Throwable): FirebaseAuthException(code, cause)
actual open class FirebaseAuthUserCollisionException(code: String?, cause: Throwable): FirebaseAuthException(code, cause)
actual open class FirebaseAuthWebException(code: String?, cause: Throwable): FirebaseAuthException(code, cause)

internal inline fun <T, R> T.rethrow(function: T.() -> R): R = dev.gitlive.firebase.auth.rethrow { function() }

private inline fun <R> rethrow(function: () -> R): R {
try {
return function()
} catch (e: Exception) {
throw e
} catch(e: dynamic) {
throw errorToException(e)

private fun errorToException(cause: dynamic) = when(val code = cause.code?.toString()?.lowercase()) {
"auth/invalid-user-token" -> FirebaseAuthInvalidUserException(code, cause)
"auth/requires-recent-login" -> FirebaseAuthRecentLoginRequiredException(code, cause)
"auth/user-disabled" -> FirebaseAuthInvalidUserException(code, cause)
"auth/user-token-expired" -> FirebaseAuthInvalidUserException(code, cause)
"auth/web-storage-unsupported" -> FirebaseAuthWebException(code, cause)
"auth/network-request-failed" -> FirebaseNetworkException(code, cause)
"auth/timeout" -> FirebaseNetworkException(code, cause)
"auth/weak-password" -> FirebaseAuthWeakPasswordException(code, cause)
"auth/missing-verification-id" -> FirebaseAuthInvalidCredentialsException(code, cause)
"auth/second-factor-already-in-use" -> FirebaseAuthMultiFactorException(code, cause)
"auth/credential-already-in-use" -> FirebaseAuthUserCollisionException(code, cause)
"auth/email-already-in-use" -> FirebaseAuthUserCollisionException(code, cause)
"auth/invalid-email" -> FirebaseAuthEmailException(code, cause)
// "auth/app-deleted" ->
// "auth/app-not-authorized" ->
// "auth/argument-error" ->
// "auth/invalid-api-key" ->
// "auth/operation-not-allowed" ->
// "auth/too-many-arguments" ->
// "auth/unauthorized-domain" ->
else -> {
println("Unknown error code in ${JSON.stringify(cause)}")
FirebaseAuthException(code, cause)
100 changes: 100 additions & 0 deletions firebase-auth/src/wasmJsMain/kotlin/auth/credentials.kt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
package dev.gitlive.firebase.auth

import dev.gitlive.firebase.auth.externals.ApplicationVerifier
import dev.gitlive.firebase.auth.externals.EmailAuthProvider
import dev.gitlive.firebase.auth.externals.FacebookAuthProvider
import dev.gitlive.firebase.auth.externals.GithubAuthProvider
import dev.gitlive.firebase.auth.externals.GoogleAuthProvider
import dev.gitlive.firebase.auth.externals.PhoneAuthProvider
import dev.gitlive.firebase.auth.externals.TwitterAuthProvider
import kotlinx.coroutines.await
import kotlin.js.json
import dev.gitlive.firebase.auth.externals.AuthCredential as JsAuthCredential
import dev.gitlive.firebase.auth.externals.OAuthProvider as JsOAuthProvider

actual open class AuthCredential(val js: JsAuthCredential) {
actual val providerId: String
get() = js.providerId

actual class PhoneAuthCredential(js: JsAuthCredential) : AuthCredential(js)
actual class OAuthCredential(js: JsAuthCredential) : AuthCredential(js)

actual object EmailAuthProvider {
actual fun credential(email: String, password: String): AuthCredential =
AuthCredential(EmailAuthProvider.credential(email, password))

actual fun credentialWithLink(
email: String,
emailLink: String
): AuthCredential = AuthCredential(EmailAuthProvider.credentialWithLink(email, emailLink))

actual object FacebookAuthProvider {
actual fun credential(accessToken: String): AuthCredential =

actual object GithubAuthProvider {
actual fun credential(token: String): AuthCredential =

actual object GoogleAuthProvider {
actual fun credential(idToken: String?, accessToken: String?): AuthCredential {
require(idToken != null || accessToken != null) {
"Both parameters are optional but at least one must be present."
return AuthCredential(GoogleAuthProvider.credential(idToken, accessToken))

actual class OAuthProvider(val js: JsOAuthProvider) {

actual constructor(
provider: String,
scopes: List<String>,
customParameters: Map<String, String>,
auth: FirebaseAuth
) : this(JsOAuthProvider(provider)) {
rethrow {
scopes.forEach { js.addScope(it) }
actual companion object {
actual fun credential(providerId: String, accessToken: String?, idToken: String?, rawNonce: String?): OAuthCredential = rethrow {
"accessToken" to (accessToken ?: undefined),
"idToken" to (idToken ?: undefined),
"rawNonce" to (rawNonce ?: undefined)
accessToken ?: undefined
.let { OAuthCredential(it) }

actual class PhoneAuthProvider(val js: PhoneAuthProvider) {

actual constructor(auth: FirebaseAuth) : this(PhoneAuthProvider(auth.js))

actual fun credential(verificationId: String, smsCode: String): PhoneAuthCredential = PhoneAuthCredential(PhoneAuthProvider.credential(verificationId, smsCode))
actual suspend fun verifyPhoneNumber(phoneNumber: String, verificationProvider: PhoneVerificationProvider): AuthCredential = rethrow {
val verificationId = js.verifyPhoneNumber(phoneNumber, verificationProvider.verifier).await()
val verificationCode = verificationProvider.getVerificationCode(verificationId)
credential(verificationId, verificationCode)

actual interface PhoneVerificationProvider {
val verifier: ApplicationVerifier
suspend fun getVerificationCode(verificationId: String): String

actual object TwitterAuthProvider {
actual fun credential(token: String, secret: String): AuthCredential = AuthCredential(TwitterAuthProvider.credential(token, secret))

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