This add-on enables simple integration of Rails Action Cable into Ember apps.
run the following command from inside your ember-cli project:
ember install @algonauti/ember-cable
Once the addon is installed, the cable service can be injected wherever needed in the application.
// app/controllers/application.js
export default Controller.extend({
cable: service(),
consumer: null,
// Flag indicating a connection is being attempted
isConnecting: readOnly('consumer.isConnecting'),
// Milliseconds until the next connection attempt
nextConnectionAt: readOnly('consumer.nextConnectionAt'),
init() {
_setupConsumer() {
const consumer = get(this, 'cable').createConsumer('ws://localhost:4200/cable');
consumer.subscriptions.create("NotificationChannel", {
connected() {
this.perform('hello', { foo: 'bar' });
received(data) {
debug( "received(data) -> " + data );
disconnected() {
// Set consumer in controller to link up computed props
set(this, 'consumer', consumer);
willDestroy() {
// Close websocket connection
get(this, 'consumer').destroy();
_updateRecord(data) {
debug( "updateRecord(data) -> " + data );
Passing parameters to Channel and sending action to your Action Cable channel class:
const subscription = consumer.subscriptions.create({
channel: 'NotificationChannel',
room: 'Best Room'
}, {
received(data) {
subscription.perform("your_channel_action", { hey: "hello" });
Using mixin and inject your services:
const channelMixin = Mixin.create({
store: service(),
received(data) {
get(this, "store").pushPayload(data);
consumer.subscriptions.create({ channel: 'NotificationChannel' }, channelMixin);
See the Contributing guide for details.
ember-cable is released under the MIT License.