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WhatsApp API Multi Device Version

release version
Build Image
release windows release linux release macos

Support ARM Architecture

Now that we support ARM64 for Linux:


  • Send WhatsApp message via http API, docs/openapi.yml for more details
  • Compress image before send
  • Compress video before send
  • Change OS name become your app (it's the device name when connect via mobile)
    • --os=Chrome or --os=MyApplication
  • Basic Auth (able to add multi credentials)
    • --basic-auth=kemal:secret,toni:password,userName:secretPassword, or you can simplify
    • -b=kemal:secret,toni:password,userName:secretPassword
  • Customizable port and debug mode
    • --port 8000
    • --debug true
  • Auto reply message
    • --autoreply="Don't reply this message"
  • Webhook for received message
    • --webhook="", or you can simplify
    • -w=""
  • For more command ./main --help

Required (without docker)

  • Mac OS:
    • brew install vips
    • brew install ffmpeg
    • export CGO_CFLAGS_ALLOW="-Xpreprocessor"
  • Linux:
    • sudo apt update
    • sudo apt install libvips-dev
    • sudo apt install ffmpeg
  • Windows (not recomended, prefer using WSL):

How to use


  1. Clone this repo: git clone
  2. Open the folder that was cloned via cmd/terminal.
  3. run cd src
  4. run go run main.go
  5. Open http://localhost:3000

Docker (you don't need to install in required)

  1. Clone this repo: git clone
  2. Open the folder that was cloned via cmd/terminal.
  3. run docker-compose up -d --build
  4. open http://localhost:3000

Build your own binary

  1. Clone this repo git clone
  2. Open the folder that was cloned via cmd/terminal.
  3. run cd src
  4. run
    1. Linux & MacOS: go build -o whatsapp
    2. Windows (CMD / PowerShell): go build -o whatsapp.exe
  5. run
    1. Linux & MacOS: ./whatsapp
      1. run ./whatsapp --help for more detail flags
    2. Windows: .\whatsapp.exe or you can double-click it
      1. run .\whatsapp.exe --help for more detail flags
  6. open http://localhost:3000 in browser

Production Mode (docker)

docker run --detach --publish=3000:3000 --name=whatsapp --restart=always --volume=$(docker volume create --name=whatsapp):/app/storages aldinokemal2104/go-whatsapp-web-multidevice --autoreply="Dont't reply this message please"

Production Mode (binary)

You can fork or edit this source code !

Current API

You can check docs/openapi.yml for detail API, furthermore you can generate HTTP Client from this API using openapi-generator

Feature Menu Method URL
Login GET /app/login
Logout GET /app/logout
Reconnect GET /app/reconnect
User Info GET /user/info
User Avatar GET /user/avatar
User My Group List GET /user/my/groups
User My Privacy Setting GET /user/my/privacy
Send Message POST /send/message
Send Image POST /send/image
Send Audio POST /send/audio
Send File POST /send/file
Send Video POST /send/video
Send Contact POST /send/contact
Send Link POST /send/link
Send Location POST /send/location
Send Poll / Vote POST /send/poll
Revoke Message POST /message/:message_id/revoke
React Message POST /message/:message_id/react
Edit Message POST /message/:message_id/update
Join Group With Link POST /group/join-with-link
Leave Group POST /group/leave
Create Group POST /group
Add More Participants in Group POST
Remove Participant in Group POST
Promote Participant in Group POST
✅ = Available
❌ = Not Available Yet

App User Interface

  1. Homepage Homepage
  2. Login Login
  3. Send Message Send Message
  4. Send Image Send Image
  5. Send File Send File
  6. Send Video Send Video
  7. Send Contact Send Contact
  8. Send Location Send Location
  9. Send Audio Send Location
  10. Send Poll Send Poll
  11. Revoke Message Revoke Message
  12. Reaction Message Revoke Message
  13. Edit Message Edit Message
  14. User Info User Info
  15. User Avatar User Avatar
  16. My Privacy My Privacy
  17. My Group My Group
  18. Auto Reply Auto Reply
  19. Basic Auth Prompt Basic Auth


  • Please do this if you have an error (invalid flag in pkg-config --cflags: -Xpreprocessor) export CGO_CFLAGS_ALLOW="-Xpreprocessor"

      	// replyMessage := &waProto.Message{
      	// 	ExtendedTextMessage: &waProto.ExtendedTextMessage{
      	// 		Text: proto.String("kkkkkkkk"),
      	// 		ContextInfo: &waProto.ContextInfo{
      	// 			QuotedMessage: &waProto.Message{
      	// 				Conversation: proto.String("replyText"),
      	// 			},
      	// 			StanzaId:    &stanzaID,
      	// 			Participant: proto.String(dataWaRecipient.String()), // O participante é quem enviou a mensagem original
      	// 		},
      	// 	},
      	// }
              err := os.Remove(path.MediaPath)

    if err != nil { log.Errorf("Failed to remove file %s: %v", path.MediaPath, err) } err = os.Remove(filePathAudio) if err != nil { log.Errorf("Failed to remove file %s: %v", filePathAudio, err) }

      audioMessage := evt.Message.GetAudioMessage()

    if audioMessage != nil { path, err := ExtractMedia(config.PathStorages, audioMessage) if err != nil { log.Errorf("Failed to download audio: %v", err) } else { log.Infof("audio downloaded to %s", path) filePathAudio := "storages/audio.wav" errConvertOgaToWav := utils.ConvertOgaToWav(path.MediaPath, filePathAudio)

      	if errConvertOgaToWav != nil {
      		log.Errorf("Failed to convert audio: %v", errConvertOgaToWav)
      	response, errSendToRecogntionApiAudioFile := ServicesBot.SendToRecogntionApiAudioFile(filePathAudio)
      	if errSendToRecogntionApiAudioFile != nil {
      		log.Errorf("Failed to convert audio to text: %v", errSendToRecogntionApiAudioFile)
      	ServiceAppContext.Context.SendService.SendMessage(context.Background(), formattedJid, argument, stanzaID, messageText, DomainBot.SendMessageParams{
      		Message:         response.Text,
      		AudioMessage:    *audioMessage,
      		IsQuotedMessage: true,


package whatsapp

import ( "bytes" "context" "encoding/json" "fmt"

pkgError ""

// ""

waProto ""
waLog ""


var ( cli *whatsmeow.Client log waLog.Logger historySyncID int32 startupTime = time.Now().Unix() )

type ExtractedMedia struct { MediaPath string json:"media_path" MimeType string json:"mime_type" Caption string json:"caption" }

type evtReaction struct { ID string json:"id" Message string json:"message" }

type evtMessage struct { ID string json:"id" Text string json:"text" RepliedId string json:"replied_id" }

func SanitizePhone(phone *string) { if phone != nil && len(*phone) > 0 && !strings.Contains(*phone, "@") { if len(*phone) <= 15 { *phone = fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", *phone, config.WhatsappTypeUser) } else { *phone = fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", *phone, config.WhatsappTypeGroup) } } }

func GetPlatformName(deviceID int) string { switch deviceID { case 0: return "UNKNOWN" case 1: return "CHROME" case 2: return "FIREFOX" case 3: return "IE" case 4: return "OPERA" case 5: return "SAFARI" case 6: return "EDGE" case 7: return "DESKTOP" case 8: return "IPAD" case 9: return "ANDROID_TABLET" case 10: return "OHANA" case 11: return "ALOHA" case 12: return "CATALINA" case 13: return "TCL_TV" default: return "UNKNOWN" } }

func ParseJID(arg string) (types.JID, error) { if arg[0] == '+' { arg = arg[1:] } if !strings.ContainsRune(arg, '@') { return types.NewJID(arg, types.DefaultUserServer), nil } else { recipient, err := types.ParseJID(arg) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("invalid JID %s: %v", arg, err) return recipient, pkgError.ErrInvalidJID } else if recipient.User == "" { fmt.Printf("invalid JID %v: no server specified", arg) return recipient, pkgError.ErrInvalidJID } return recipient, nil } }

func IsOnWhatsapp(waCli *whatsmeow.Client, jid string) bool { // only check if the jid a user with if strings.Contains(jid, "") { data, err := waCli.IsOnWhatsApp([]string{jid}) if err != nil { panic(pkgError.InvalidJID(err.Error())) }

	for _, v := range data {
		if !v.IsIn {
			return false

return true


func ValidateJidWithLogin(waCli *whatsmeow.Client, jid string) (types.JID, error) { MustLogin(waCli)

if !IsOnWhatsapp(waCli, jid) {
	return types.JID{}, pkgError.InvalidJID(fmt.Sprintf("Phone %s is not on whatsapp", jid))

return ParseJID(jid)


func InitWaDB() *sqlstore.Container { // Running Whatsapp log = waLog.Stdout("Main", config.WhatsappLogLevel, true) dbLog := waLog.Stdout("Database", config.WhatsappLogLevel, true) storeContainer, err := sqlstore.New("sqlite3", fmt.Sprintf("file:%s/%s?_foreign_keys=off", config.PathStorages, config.DBName), dbLog) if err != nil { log.Errorf("Failed to connect to database: %v", err) panic(pkgError.InternalServerError(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to connect to database: %v", err)))

return storeContainer


func InitWaCLI(storeContainer *sqlstore.Container) *whatsmeow.Client { device, err := storeContainer.GetFirstDevice() if err != nil { log.Errorf("Failed to get device: %v", err) panic(err) }

osName := fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", config.AppOs, config.AppVersion)
store.DeviceProps.PlatformType = &config.AppPlatform
store.DeviceProps.Os = &osName
cli = whatsmeow.NewClient(device, waLog.Stdout("Client", config.WhatsappLogLevel, true))
cli.EnableAutoReconnect = true
cli.AutoTrustIdentity = true

return cli


func MustLogin(waCli *whatsmeow.Client) { if waCli == nil { panic(pkgError.InternalServerError("Whatsapp client is not initialized")) } if !waCli.IsConnected() { panic(pkgError.ErrNotConnected) } else if !waCli.IsLoggedIn() { panic(pkgError.ErrNotLoggedIn) } }

func handler(rawEvt interface{}) { switch evt := rawEvt.(type) { case *events.AppStateSyncComplete: if len(cli.Store.PushName) > 0 && evt.Name == appstate.WAPatchCriticalBlock { err := cli.SendPresence(types.PresenceAvailable) if err != nil { log.Warnf("Failed to send available presence: %v", err) } else { log.Infof("Marked self as available") } } case *events.PairSuccess: websocket.Broadcast <- websocket.BroadcastMessage{ Code: "LOGIN_SUCCESS", Message: fmt.Sprintf("Successfully pair with %s", evt.ID.String()), } case *events.LoggedOut: websocket.Broadcast <- websocket.BroadcastMessage{ Code: "LIST_DEVICES", Result: nil, } case *events.Connected, *events.PushNameSetting: if len(cli.Store.PushName) == 0 { return }

	// Send presence available when connecting and when the pushname is changed.
	// This makes sure that outgoing messages always have the right pushname.
	err := cli.SendPresence(types.PresenceAvailable)
	if err != nil {
		log.Warnf("Failed to send available presence: %v", err)
	} else {
		log.Infof("Marked self as available")
case *events.StreamReplaced:
case *events.Message:

	metaParts := []string{fmt.Sprintf("pushname: %s", evt.Info.PushName), fmt.Sprintf("timestamp: %s", evt.Info.Timestamp)}
	if evt.Info.Type != "" {
		metaParts = append(metaParts, fmt.Sprintf("type: %s", evt.Info.Type))
	if evt.Info.Category != "" {
		metaParts = append(metaParts, fmt.Sprintf("category: %s", evt.Info.Category))
	if evt.IsViewOnce {
		metaParts = append(metaParts, "view once")
	if evt.IsViewOnce {
		metaParts = append(metaParts, "ephemeral")
	command := utils.ProcessCommand(evt.Message.ExtendedTextMessage.GetText())

	fmt.Println("Received message ", string(evt.Info.ID), evt.Info.SourceString(), strings.Join(metaParts, ", "), evt.Message.ExtendedTextMessage.GetText(), command)

	if command == "!audio" {
		argument := utils.GetArgument(evt.Message.ExtendedTextMessage.GetText())

		fmt.Println("argument", argument)
		formattedJid, _ := utils.GetLastJid(evt.Info.SourceString())
		dataWaRecipient, _ := ValidateJidWithLogin(cli, formattedJid)
		audioDownloaded, errAudioDownloaded := services.SearchAudioFunnyReturnFile(argument)

		if errAudioDownloaded != nil {
			msg := &waProto.Message{
				Conversation: proto.String("error ao baixar o audio"),
			s, err2 := cli.SendMessage(context.Background(), dataWaRecipient, msg)
			fmt.Println("send message error download audio in errAudioDownloaded", s, err2)

		audioMimeType := http.DetectContentType(audioDownloaded)

		audioUploaded, err := cli.Upload(context.Background(), audioDownloaded, whatsmeow.MediaAudio)
		if err != nil {
			fmt.Sprintf("Failed to upload audio: %v", err)

		stanzaID := string(evt.Info.ID)
		duration := 120 // 2 minutos

		// Converta a duração para uint32 e pegue o endereço
		seconds := uint32(duration)
		secondsPtr := &seconds
		fmt.Println("object audio uploaded", audioUploaded)

		msg := &waProto.Message{
			AudioMessage: &waProto.AudioMessage{
				Url:           proto.String(audioUploaded.URL),
				DirectPath:    proto.String(audioUploaded.DirectPath),
				Mimetype:      proto.String(audioMimeType),
				FileLength:    proto.Uint64(audioUploaded.FileLength),
				FileSha256:    audioUploaded.FileSHA256,
				FileEncSha256: audioUploaded.FileEncSHA256,
				Seconds:       secondsPtr,
				MediaKey:      audioUploaded.MediaKey,
				ContextInfo: &waProto.ContextInfo{
					QuotedMessage: &waProto.Message{
						Conversation: proto.String(evt.Message.ExtendedTextMessage.GetText()),
					StanzaId:    &stanzaID,
					Participant: proto.String(dataWaRecipient.String()), // O participante é quem enviou a mensagem original

		// replyMessage := &waProto.Message{
		// 	ExtendedTextMessage: &waProto.ExtendedTextMessage{
		// 		Text: proto.String("kkkkkkkk"),
		// 		ContextInfo: &waProto.ContextInfo{
		// 			QuotedMessage: &waProto.Message{
		// 				Conversation: proto.String("replyText"),
		// 			},
		// 			StanzaId:    &stanzaID,
		// 			Participant: proto.String(dataWaRecipient.String()), // O participante é quem enviou a mensagem original
		// 		},
		// 	},
		// }
		s, err2 := cli.SendMessage(context.Background(), dataWaRecipient, msg)
		fmt.Println("mandado", s, err2)

	img := evt.Message.GetImageMessage()
	if img != nil {
		path, err := ExtractMedia(config.PathStorages, img)
		if err != nil {
			log.Errorf("Failed to download image: %v", err)
		} else {
			log.Infof("Image downloaded to %s", path)

	if config.WhatsappAutoReplyMessage != "" &&
		!isGroupJid(evt.Info.Chat.String()) &&
		!strings.Contains(evt.Info.SourceString(), "broadcast") {
		_, _ = cli.SendMessage(context.Background(), evt.Info.Sender, &waProto.Message{Conversation: proto.String(config.WhatsappAutoReplyMessage)})

	if config.WhatsappWebhook != "" &&
		!strings.Contains(evt.Info.SourceString(), "broadcast") &&
		!isFromMySelf(evt.Info.SourceString()) {
		if err := forwardToWebhook(evt); err != nil {
			logrus.Error("Failed forward to webhook", err)

case *events.Receipt:
	if evt.Type == types.ReceiptTypeRead || evt.Type == types.ReceiptTypeReadSelf {
		log.Infof("%v was read by %s at %s", evt.MessageIDs, evt.SourceString(), evt.Timestamp)
	} else if evt.Type == types.ReceiptTypeDelivered {
		log.Infof("%s was delivered to %s at %s", evt.MessageIDs[0], evt.SourceString(), evt.Timestamp)
case *events.Presence:
	if evt.Unavailable {
		if evt.LastSeen.IsZero() {
			log.Infof("%s is now offline", evt.From)
		} else {
			log.Infof("%s is now offline (last seen: %s)", evt.From, evt.LastSeen)
	} else {
		log.Infof("%s is now online", evt.From)
case *events.HistorySync:
	id := atomic.AddInt32(&historySyncID, 1)
	fileName := fmt.Sprintf("%s/history-%d-%s-%d-%s.json", config.PathStorages, startupTime, cli.Store.ID.String(), id, evt.Data.SyncType.String())
	file, err := os.OpenFile(fileName, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE, 0600)
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("Failed to open file to write history sync: %v", err)
	enc := json.NewEncoder(file)
	enc.SetIndent("", "  ")
	err = enc.Encode(evt.Data)
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("Failed to write history sync: %v", err)
	log.Infof("Wrote history sync to %s", fileName)
	_ = file.Close()
case *events.AppState:
	log.Debugf("App state event: %+v / %+v", evt.Index, evt.SyncActionValue)


// forwardToWebhook is a helper function to forward event to webhook url func forwardToWebhook(evt *events.Message) error { logrus.Info("Forwarding event to webhook:", config.WhatsappWebhook) client := &http.Client{Timeout: 10 * time.Second} imageMedia := evt.Message.GetImageMessage() stickerMedia := evt.Message.GetStickerMessage() videoMedia := evt.Message.GetVideoMessage() audioMedia := evt.Message.GetAudioMessage() documentMedia := evt.Message.GetDocumentMessage()

var message evtMessage
message.Text = evt.Message.GetConversation()
message.ID = evt.Info.ID
if extendedMessage := evt.Message.ExtendedTextMessage.GetText(); extendedMessage != "" {
	message.Text = extendedMessage
	message.RepliedId = evt.Message.ExtendedTextMessage.ContextInfo.GetStanzaId()

var quotedmessage any
if evt.Message.ExtendedTextMessage != nil && evt.Message.ExtendedTextMessage.ContextInfo != nil {
	if conversation := evt.Message.ExtendedTextMessage.ContextInfo.QuotedMessage.GetConversation(); conversation != "" {
		quotedmessage = conversation

var forwarded bool
if evt.Message.ExtendedTextMessage != nil && evt.Message.ExtendedTextMessage.ContextInfo != nil {
	forwarded = evt.Message.ExtendedTextMessage.ContextInfo.GetIsForwarded()

var waReaction evtReaction
if reactionMessage := evt.Message.ReactionMessage; reactionMessage != nil {
	waReaction.Message = reactionMessage.GetText()
	waReaction.ID = reactionMessage.GetKey().GetId()

body := map[string]interface{}{
	"audio":          audioMedia,
	"contact":        evt.Message.GetContactMessage(),
	"document":       documentMedia,
	"forwarded":      forwarded,
	"from":           evt.Info.SourceString(),
	"image":          imageMedia,
	"list":           evt.Message.GetListMessage(),
	"live_location":  evt.Message.GetLiveLocationMessage(),
	"location":       evt.Message.GetLocationMessage(),
	"message":        message,
	"order":          evt.Message.GetOrderMessage(),
	"pushname":       evt.Info.PushName,
	"quoted_message": quotedmessage,
	"reaction":       waReaction,
	"sticker":        stickerMedia,
	"video":          videoMedia,
	"view_once":      evt.Message.GetViewOnceMessage(),

if imageMedia != nil {
	path, err := ExtractMedia(config.PathMedia, imageMedia)
	if err != nil {
		return pkgError.WebhookError(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to download image: %v", err))
	body["image"] = path
if stickerMedia != nil {
	path, err := ExtractMedia(config.PathMedia, stickerMedia)
	if err != nil {
		return pkgError.WebhookError(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to download sticker: %v", err))
	body["sticker"] = path
if videoMedia != nil {
	path, err := ExtractMedia(config.PathMedia, videoMedia)
	if err != nil {
		return pkgError.WebhookError(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to download video: %v", err))
	body["video"] = path
if audioMedia != nil {
	path, err := ExtractMedia(config.PathMedia, audioMedia)
	if err != nil {
		return pkgError.WebhookError(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to download audio: %v", err))
	body["audio"] = path
if documentMedia != nil {
	path, err := ExtractMedia(config.PathMedia, documentMedia)
	if err != nil {
		return pkgError.WebhookError(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to download document: %v", err))
	body["document"] = path

postBody, err := json.Marshal(body)
if err != nil {
	return pkgError.WebhookError(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to marshal body: %v", err))

req, err := http.NewRequest(http.MethodPost, config.WhatsappWebhook, bytes.NewBuffer(postBody))
if err != nil {
	return pkgError.WebhookError(fmt.Sprintf("error when create http object %v", err))
req.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
if _, err = client.Do(req); err != nil {
	return pkgError.WebhookError(fmt.Sprintf("error when submit webhook %v", err))
return nil


// isGroupJid is a helper function to check if the message is from group func isGroupJid(jid string) bool { return strings.Contains(jid, "") }

// isFromMySelf is a helper function to check if the message is from my self (logged in account) func isFromMySelf(jid string) bool { return extractPhoneNumber(jid) == extractPhoneNumber(cli.Store.ID.String()) }

// extractPhoneNumber is a helper function to extract the phone number from a JID func extractPhoneNumber(jid string) string { regex := regexp.MustCompile(\d+) // Find all matches of the pattern in the JID matches := regex.FindAllString(jid, -1) // The first match should be the phone number if len(matches) > 0 { return matches[0] } // If no matches are found, return an empty string return "" }

// ExtractMedia is a helper function to extract media from whatsapp func ExtractMedia(storageLocation string, mediaFile whatsmeow.DownloadableMessage) (extractedMedia ExtractedMedia, err error) { if mediaFile == nil { logrus.Info("Skip download because data is nil") return extractedMedia, nil }

data, err := cli.Download(mediaFile)
if err != nil {
	return extractedMedia, err

switch media := mediaFile.(type) {
case *waProto.ImageMessage:
	extractedMedia.MimeType = media.GetMimetype()
	extractedMedia.Caption = media.GetCaption()
case *waProto.AudioMessage:
	extractedMedia.MimeType = media.GetMimetype()
case *waProto.VideoMessage:
	extractedMedia.MimeType = media.GetMimetype()
	extractedMedia.Caption = media.GetCaption()
case *waProto.StickerMessage:
	extractedMedia.MimeType = media.GetMimetype()
case *waProto.DocumentMessage:
	extractedMedia.MimeType = media.GetMimetype()
	extractedMedia.Caption = media.GetCaption()

extensions, _ := mime.ExtensionsByType(extractedMedia.MimeType)
extractedMedia.MediaPath = fmt.Sprintf("%s/%d-%s%s", storageLocation, time.Now().Unix(), uuid.NewString(), extensions[0])
err = os.WriteFile(extractedMedia.MediaPath, data, 0600)
if err != nil {
	return extractedMedia, err
return extractedMedia, nil



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