Xml component for GlistEngine.
- GlistEngine.
- Any program that can read/write XML file type.
- Windows, Linux, or MacOS operating system.
- On Windows:
- C:\dev\glist\glistplugins
- On macOS
- ~/dev/glist/glistplugins
- On Linux
- ~/dev/glist/glistplugins
First of all fork this repo at right up corner.
Open command line(cmd.exe or bash) and go to the glistplugins folder by the command.
- On Windows:
cd C:\dev\glist\glistplugins
- On macOS:
cd ~/dev/glist/glistplugins
- On macOS:
cd ~/dev/glist/glistplugins
Clone the gipXml repo by writing this commands on command line:
Add "gipXml" in GlistApp's CMakelists.txt's line where it write "set(PLUGINS)" (Like "set(PLUGINS gipXml)").
Only requirement to use the plugin is to include the header file of "gipXml" plugin.
- bool load(std::string fullpath) :
Loads the XML from fullpath.
- bool loadXml(std::string xmlpath) :
Loads the XML from file path.
- void parseXml() :
Parsing for string that contains XML.
- gipXmlNode* getRootNode() :
Gets the root node by calling FirstChild function of XMLDocument. It will return a pointer to the XMLNode class.
- gipXmlNode* getSiblingNode(gipXmlNode* xmlNode) :
Iterates the node by calling NextSibling() function of XMLNode.
- gipXmlNode* getChildNode(gipXmlNode* xmlNode) :
Gets the child level node of the current node by calling FirstChild() function of XMLNode.
- std::string getTagName(gipXmlNode* xmlNode) :
Gets the Tag name of the Node using Name() function of XMLElement class.
- std::string getAttribute(gipXmlNode* xmlNode, std::string attributeName) :
Gets the values of the attributes of elements using the Attribute() function by giving the attribute name as parameter.