NOTE: A valid Map<String, dynamic> can be obtained using json encode/decode functions. This package will not work properly if your Map variable was initialized using Map Literals
Now you can read and write your json files without converting them to a model mapped version. Just use the key path to go directly where you want and get, set, delete or create keys and values!
Add JsonByPath
to your pubspec.yaml file:
Import JsonByPath
in files that it will be used:
import 'package:json_by_path/json_by_path.dart';
Just create an instance of JsonByPath
and start working:
JsonByPath jbp = JsonByPath();
String v = jbp.getValue(target, 'config.tcp.url');
int i = jbp.getValue(target, 'config.tcp.port');
import 'dart:convert';
// just to use as an example, this is Map Literals initialization
Map<String, dynamic> target = {
'config': {
'tcp': {
'url': 'http://localhost',
'port': 8083
// this package does not work with Map Literals
// convert your map to json string and to Map again
// (if this is the case)
target = json.decode(json.encode(target));
JsonByPath jbp = JsonByPath();
print(jbp.getValue(target, 'config.tcp.url'));
jbp.setValue(target, 'config.tcp.doLog', true);
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