Godot XR Tools 3.1.0
Please note, This version has a few minor breaking changes compared to 3.0.0 with the new hand system that has been introduced.
- Improvements to our 2D in 3D viewport for filtering, unshaded, and transparency options
- Fixed editor preview system for our 2D in 3D viewport
- Use value based grip input with threshold
- Improved pointer demo supporting left hand with switching
- Enhanced pointer laser visibility options for colliding with targets
- Implement poke feature (finger interaction)
- Improvements to snap turning
- Moved staging solution into plugin so it can be re-used
- Allow setting different animations for hands
- Added enable/disable to snap-zones
- Added XR settings as Godot editor plugin and the ability to load and save the settings
- Added crouching movement provider
- Modified climbing to use the hand which most recently grabbed the climbing object
- Added enable/disable to pickup function
- Added ability to override hand material
- Added realistic hand models and textures
- Added ability to override hand animations
- Added additional search functions to find nodes
- Added support for viewport 2D in 3D to support 2D scenes instanced in the tree
- Added sprinting movement provider
- Added support for setting hand-poses when the hand enters an area
- Added support for setting grab-points on objects, and the grab-points supporting different hand-poses