Notebook solution utilizing dataproc templates for migrating databases from Oracle to BigQuery. Notebook contains step by step process for migrating Oracle database tables to BigQuery.
Refer Setup Vertex AI - PySpark to setup new Jupyter notebook in vertexAI. Once the setup is done navigate to dataproc-templates/python/notebooks/oracle2bq folder and open OracleToBigQuery_notebook.ipynb notebook.
OracleToBigQuery_notebook.ipynb notebook solution is built on top of Vertex AI Jupyter Notebook and Google Cloud's Dataproc tech stack provided by GCP.
- Automatically Generate list of tables from metadata. Alternatively, user should be able to supply list of tables.
- Identify current primary key column name, and partitioned read properties.
- Automatically uses partition reads if exceeds threshold.
- Divides migration into batches and parallely migrates multiple tables.
- Notebook allow you to choose modes i.e. appending data or overwrite.
- BigQuery load automatically created table if table does not exists.
Below configurations are required before proceeding further.
: GCP project-idREGION
: Cloud Storage staging location to be used for this notebook to store artifacts (gs://bucket-name)SUBNET
: VPC subnetJARS
: list of jars. For this notebook Oracle driver and BigQuery connector with the Dataproc template jarsMAX_PARALLELISM
: Parameter for number of jobs to run in parallel default value is 2
: Oracle instance ip addressORACLE_PORT
: Oracle instance portORACLE_USERNAME
: Oracle usernameORACLE_PASSWORD
: Oracle passwordORACLE_DATABASE
: Name of database/service for Oracle connectionORACLE_SCHEMA
: Schema to be exported, leave blank to export tables owned by ORACLE_USERNAMEORACLE_TABLE_LIST
: List of tables you want to migrate eg: ['table1','table2'] else provide empty list for migration whole database eg : []
: BigQuery Target DatasetBIGQUERY_MODE
: Mode of operation at target append/overwriteTEMP_GCS_BUCKET
: Cloud Storage bucket to be used for temporary staging
Alternatively to running the notebook manually, we developed a "parameterize" script, using the papermill lib, to allow running notebooks programmatically from a Python script, with parameters.
Example submission:
export GCP_PROJECT=<project>
export REGION=<region>
export GCS_STAGING_LOCATION=gs://<bucket-name>
export SUBNET=<subnet>
export SERVICE_ACCOUNT=<service-account>
python --script=ORACLETOBIGQUERY \"10.x.x.x" \
--oracle.port="3306" \
--oracle.username="user" \
--oracle.password="password" \
--oracle.database="db" \
--oracle.table.list="employee" \
--bigquery.dataset="bq-dataset" \
python --script=ORACLETOBIGQUERY --help
usage: [-h] ORACLE_HOST [--oracle.port ORACLE_PORT] --oracle.username ORACLE_USERNAME --oracle.password
ORACLE_PASSWORD --oracle.database ORACLE_DATABASE [--oracle.schema ORACLE_SCHEMA] [--oracle.table.list ORACLE_TABLE_LIST]
[--bigquery.mode {overwrite,append}] --bigquery.dataset BIGQUERY_DATASET --temp.gcs.bucket TEMP_GCS_BUCKET
[--max.parallelism MAX_PARALLELISM] [--output.notebook OUTPUT.NOTEBOOK]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--output.notebook OUTPUT.NOTEBOOK
Path to save executed notebook (Default: None). If not provided, no notebook is saved ORACLE_HOST
Oracle host or IP address
--oracle.port ORACLE_PORT
Oracle port (Default: 1521)
--oracle.username ORACLE_USERNAME
Oracle username
--oracle.password ORACLE_PASSWORD
Oracle password
--oracle.database ORACLE_DATABASE
Oracle database name
--oracle.schema ORACLE_SCHEMA
Schema to be exported, leave blank to export tables owned by ORACLE_USERNAME
--oracle.table.list ORACLE_TABLE_LIST
Oracle table list to migrate. Leave empty for migrating complete database else provide tables as "table1,table2"
--bigquery.mode {overwrite,append}
BigQuery output write mode (Default: overwrite). Use append when schema already exists in BigQuery
--bigquery.dataset BIGQUERY_DATASET
BigQuery dataset name
--temp.gcs.bucket TEMP_GCS_BUCKET
Temporary staging Cloud Storage bucket name
--max.parallelism MAX_PARALLELISM
Maximum number of tables that will migrated parallelly (Default: 5)
This notebook requires the Oracle driver and BigQuery Connector jar. Installation information is present in the notebook