Script used for quicker grading of data scructures students' projects
NOTE: If you would like to use the experimental canvas-integrated version, clone the repo and then use
git checkout experimental
to change to that version.
If you are not running on a mac or linux machine, figure it out with powershell or something. Windows is bad. Anyways:
For setup, you must edit the config files in configs/ a readme file with directions on how to edit them is in configs/configsREADME.txt Follow those directions and then follow the below instructions.
You must give permissions to the script to be run. Do so by cloning the repo, and then while in the cloned repository's directory, type:
chmod +x src/
This makes the script executable.
Python and pip:
sudo apt-get install python3 pip
canvas api:
pip install canvasapi
BEFORE RUNNING, YOU NEED TO EDIT THE CONFIG FILES! There is a small readme in /configs. You need only edit 2 files if all you want to do is run the programs Since the addition of the python scrips, there is no need for arguments sent to the script. The script will handle executable names on its own. Running the script only takes a single command:
The addition of timing data for each of the projects has been added, allowing for timing data to be acquired. It is in a file named timings.txt. The data only takes into account full seconds. If more precise timing data is needed, then using linux's "time" in terminal is a better option for sub-second precision.