This program shows you IMSI numbers of cellphones around you.
/!\ This program was made to understand how GSM network work. Not for bad hacking !
1 PC with more than 3Go of RAM * to compile gr-gsm
1 USB DVB-T key (RTL2832U) with antenna (less than 15$)
* On EEEPC 1000H with 2Go of RAM and 2Go of swap, compiling take 1 day.
cd /tmp
sudo apt-get install git python-scapy python-pip
sudo pip install PyBOMBS
sudo pybombs prefix init /usr/local -a default_prx
sudo pybombs config default_prefix default_prx
sudo pybombs recipes add gr-recipes git+
sudo pybombs recipes add gr-etcetera git+
sudo pybombs install gr-gsm
sudo ldconfig
In terminal 1
sudo python
In terminal 2
Now, change the frequency and stop it when you have output like :
15 06 21 00 01 f0 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b
25 06 21 00 05 f4 f8 68 03 26 23 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b 2b
49 06 1b 95 cc 02 f8 02 01 9c c8 03 1e 57 a5 01 79 00 00 1c 13 2b 2b
Now, watch terminal 1 and wait. IMSI numbers should appear :-)
If nothing appears after 1 min, change the frequency.
Doc :
Example of frequency : 9.288e+08 Bouygues
You can watch GSM packet with
sudo wireshark -k -Y '!icmp && gsmtap' -i lo
Setup of Gr-Gsm :
Frequency :
Mobile Network Code :
Scapy :
Realtek RTL2832U : and