A project created for the MSc Global Change Ecology course C7 Patterns of Land Use and Ecosystem Dynamics. The project assesses the impact of a large solar instalation on the island of Kauai on the deforestation.
- raster
- rgdal
- maps
- mapdata
- ctr_boundaries/USA_adm2.rds (The level 2 boundaries of the US territories, downloaded from http://www.gadm.org/)
- raster/before.tif (A Landsat cover image from before the solar installation (2015) downloaded from https://earthexplorer.usgs.gov/)
- raster/after.tif (A Landsat cover image from after the solar installation (2017) downloaded from https://earthexplorer.usgs.gov/)
- vector/beforeclass.shp & vector/afterclass.shp (Training data for the classification of land uses, created using QGIS)