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Security: Groestlcoin/electrum-grs


Security Policy

Reporting a Vulnerability

To report security issues, send an email to the addresses listed below. (Not for support. Support requests will be ignored.)

Please send any report to all emails listed here.

The following GPG keys may be used to communicate sensitive information.

Name Email Fingerprint
jackielove4u groestlcoin [AT] 287A E4CA 1187 C68C 08B4 9CB2 D11B D4F3 3F1D B499

Where to find GPG keys

You can import a key by running the following command with that individual’s fingerprint: gpg --recv-keys "<fingerprint>"

These public keys can also be found in the Electrum-grs git repository, in the top-level pubkeys folder.

There aren’t any published security advisories