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Command Line Arguments

shartte edited this page Apr 16, 2015 · 9 revisions

This page documents the command line arguments present in vanilla ToEE.

The command line is converted to lower case before it is processed, which means these options are all case insensitive.

  • -3dsound

    Prints the list of available miles 3d sound providers to the debug output. Example output:

      Miles Fast 2D Positional Audio initialized.
      01: Aureal A3D Interactive (TM)
      02: Aureal A3D 2.0 (TM)
      03: DirectSound3D Software Emulation
      04: DirectSound3D Hardware Support
      05: DirectSound3D 7+ Software - Pan and Volume
      06: DirectSound3D 7+ Software - Light HRTF
      07: DirectSound3D 7+ Software - Full HRTF
      08: Creative Labs EAX 3 (TM)
      09: Creative Labs EAX 2 (TM)
      10: Creative Labs EAX (TM)
      11: RAD Game Tools RSX 3D Audio
      12: Dolby Surround
      13: Miles Fast 2D Positional Audio
  • -3dsound:NN or -3dsound:SSSSS

    Allows the 3d sound provider used by the Miles sound system to be set. It either allows setting it by index or by name.

  • -rng:SSSSS

    Sets the random number generator used by the game. Available types: default, arcanum, mt19937ar Arcanum is just the basic rand() C function, while default is equivalent to mt199937ar, which is the mersenne twister random number generator.

  • -defaultpartyN

    Where N is 1-5. Will add the given number of template PCs to your party and immediately start the game after the difficulty is chosen. The PCs are created from protos 13100-13104.

  • -dialogcheck

    Runs through all dlg files and performs several sanity checks (dead links, line length, non existing scripts, etc.). Results are printed to the debug output, which has to be enabled for this to do anything meaningful.

  • -dialognumber

    Shows the response number in front of each dialog line ingame.

  • -startmapNNNN

    Given any number NNNN, forces the start map to this. Untested

  • -scrollfps:NNN

    Sets a memory location (0x102AC230) with the number after the colon (1000 / that number to be exact). The location seems to never be read. The default number is 60. Untested

  • -scrolldist:NNN

    Sets a memory location (0x10307374) with the number after the colon. Default is 10. Untested

  • -mod:SSSSSSS

    Sets the module name to load to the string after the colon. Default is "ToEE". Untested

  • -nofog

    Clears the init-flag for map_fogging, which probably disables the fog of war ingame. Untested

  • -dicetestAAdBB+CC

    Runs a test of dice rolling and outputs its result to the debug output. The +CC is optional. It runs with AA dice having BB sides and adds CC after the roll. It rolls as often as it can for 10 seconds and then outputs a histogram of how often each roll-result occured. Example Output

  • -cleanproto

    Sets memory location 0x108EE81C to 1, which seems to be never read from anywhere. Untested

  • -mipmapping

    Sets startup flag 0x20000, which enables mipmapping for textures. Due to the perspective used by ToEE and how small the 3d models are, this might not really look any better. Untested

  • -noantialiasing

    Prevents startup flag 0x10000 from being set. Means that anti aliasing will not be used.

  • -maxrefresh:NN

    Sets the maximum refresh rate to the given number. Untested May not really be used.

  • -geometry:WWWxHHH

    Sets the dimensions of the window in windowed mode to width WWW and height HHH.

  • -window

    Enables windowed mode. Sets startup flag 0x20.

  • -shadow_blobby

    Sets shadow type to 0.

  • -shadow_poly

    Sets shadow type to 1.

  • -shadow_map

    Sets shadow type to 2.

  • -maxlevel:NN

    Sets the maximum level to NN (at most 20).

  • -pathlimitNN

    Valid range for NN: 1 to 34. Written to memory location 0x102AF7C0, where it is later read from. Purpose is yet unknown. The default is 10. Untested

  • -pathtimelimitNN

    Valid range for NN: 1 to 999. Written to memory location 0x102AF7C4, where it is later read from. Purpose is yet unknown. The default is 250. Untested

  • -4637

    Writes 3 to memory location 0x103072E0. Purpose unknown. It does not seem to be read from. Untested

  • -0897

    Writes 2 to memory location 0x103072E0. Purpose unknown. It does not seem to be read from. Untested

  • -2680

    Writes 1 to memory location 0x103072E0. Purpose unknown. It does not seem to be read from. Untested

  • -nonmsmousez

    Writes 0 to memory location 0x10300974. This could disable mousewheel input. Untested

  • -msmousez

    Writes 1 to memory location 0x10300974, which seems to be the default anyway. Untested

  • -norandom

    Writes 1 to memory location 0x10BDDD9C, which could disable random encounters. Untested

  • -animdebug

    Does nothing. Probably only present in debug builds.

  • -animcatchup

    Writes 1 to memory location 0x10307538. This flag seems to be saved with and loaded from savegames. Purpose unknown. Untested

  • -doublebuffer

    Sets startup flag 0x2. Untested

  • -nosound

    Sets startup flag 0x2000. Untested

  • -fps

    Sets startup flag 1. Shows an FPS counter in the game.

  • tigdebug=file

    Enables the ToEE debug log and writes it to debug.txt in the game folder. Does not work if tigdebug is preceded by a dash.

  • tigdebug=debug

    Same as above, but writes debug messages using the Windows API function OutputDebugString.

  • tigdebug=console

    Same as above, but opens a DOS-like console window and outputs all debug messages into it.

  • tigdebug=mono

    Writes to some obscure memory address. Probably a DOS based debugger or similar.

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