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Feat Properties

Dude McDude edited this page May 27, 2015 · 7 revisions

Feat property bit meaning: (table at 0x102BFD78) 0x00000001 - can gain multiple times 0x00000002 - Not implemented (cannot select) 0x00000004 - Race Automatic Feat 0x00000008 - Class Automatic Feat 0x00000010 - Fighter feat 0x00000020 - Monk 1st lvl 0x00000040 - Monk 2nd lvl feat 0x00000080 - Monk 6th lvl feat 0x00000100 - part of a multiselect feat apparently (though not quite always - Spell Focus seems like an exception - or was it a multiselect?) 0x00000300 - EWP 0x00000500 - Imp. Crit 0x00000900 - MWP 0x00001100 - Skill Focus 0x00002100 - Wpn Finesse 0x00004100 - Wpn Focus 0x00008100 - Wpn Spec. 0x00010100 - G. Wpn Focus 0x00020000 - Wizard Feat (crafting, metamagic etc.) 0x00040000 - Rogue 10th lvl Feat

Feat prereq table (0x102C07A0) (Co8 / Moebius hacked in some feat properties here in some inaccessible spots...) Each row (16 ints) belongs to a feat. Feat prereq row holds up to 8 prereq specifications - a prereq specification is 2 ints, 1st is prereq type and 2nd is prereq arg. See _FeatPrereqsCheck in feat.cpp for meaning.

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