A side-project aiming to create a knowledge base engine using SQLite and RDF triples.
To install dependencies:
bun install
To run:
bun run index.ts
A Triple describes a piece of datum stored in Origin. A Triple holds 3 values: a subject, a predicate, and an object.
The subject represents the entity the triple refers to, the predicate is the property of the entity that the Triple desceibes, and the object is the value of that property.
In Triple form, the sentence "John Doe's email address is [email protected]" would translate to:
"subject": "John Doe",
"predicate": "email",
"object": "[email protected]"
Although Origin stores everything as Triples, it also provides APIs that allow users to manipulate subjects directly.
A subject is an aggregate of all triples that refer to a same thing, and that possesses a unique identifier.
If we have the following triples:
"subject": "subject:john",
"predicate": "name",
"object": "John Doe"
"subject": "subject:john",
"predicate": "email",
"object": "[email protected]"
They will constitute the following subject:
"id": "john",
"name": "John Doe",
"email": "[email protected]"
To keep data coherent, Origin keeps track of your knowledge base schema.
You don't have to provide your schema before using Origin, it will automatically infer the type of the predicates you insert.
When creating a new subject, Origin will iterate through every property and check that the right type is used, or add it to the schema after having inferred the type of the value if it is not known yet.
POST /subjects
"property1": "value1",
"property2": "value2",
"property3": "value3",
GET /subjects/[id]
You can use the SPARQL query language to retrieve data from Origin.
POST /sparql
If you have an OpenAI API key, you can use it in Origin to insert subjects by providing a description in natural language.
POST /tell
GET /schema