Team project for the CBR@Work 2024 competition, focused on autonomous industrial tasks and smart robotics.
Project Overview • Installation • Usage • Navigation and Object Manipulation • Task Sequencing • Results • License • Acknowledgements
This repository contains the code developed by the Autonomous Robotics Nucleus (RMA) of the SEMEAR group at the University of São Paulo (USP) - São Carlos, for the CBR@Work 2024 competition. The competition challenges teams to build autonomous robots capable of performing complex industrial tasks, such as transporting parts, precisely manipulating objects, and navigating dynamic industrial environments with obstacles. The goal is to optimize task sequencing based on provided orders, integrating navigation, recognition, and manipulation capabilities to operate in a realistic industrial setting.
To run this project, ensure the following software is installed:
- Ubuntu 20.04: You can download it here.
- ROS Noetic: Follow the official installation instructions here.
- Create a Catkin Workspace: Set up your ROS workspace by following the official guide here.
Clone the Project Repository: Clone this repository into your
folder:cd ~/catkin_ws/src
Build the Workspace: After cloning the repository, build the workspace:
cd ~/catkin_ws catkin_make
Source the Workspace: Don't forget to source the workspace:
source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
Soon... 👀
Soon... 👀
Soon... 👀
Soon... 👀
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.