POSTMAN URLs to run the api, set auth to bearer token and set the token as {{authToken}} In Create User and Login routes set Test command as:
if(pm.response.code === 201(200 for Login)){ pm.environment.set('authToken', pm.response.json().token) }
Create User POST HOST/api/users Pass name, email, password and age(not necessary) in thr request body
POST HOST/api/users/login Pass email and passwword in body -
Logout POST HOST/api/users/logout
Logout All POST HOST/api/users/logoutall
Create Task POST HOST/api/tasks Pass description and completion status(true/false) in the request body
Upload Avatar POST HOST/api/users/me/avatar Pass image in the request in the body
Read Profile GET HOST/api/users/me
Read Task By id GET HOST/api/tasks/id (pass the task-id inplace of 'id')
Read All Tasks
GET HOST/api/tasks (can use pagination by adding limit, skip in the query OR can sort the tasks by adding time) -
View Avatar GET HOST/api/users/id/avatar (pass the user-id inplace of 'id')
Update Profile
PATCH HOST/api/users/me Pass the update parameters in request body -
Update Task PATCH HOST/api/tasks/id (Pass task-id inplace of 'id')
Delete Avatar DELETE HOST/api/users/me/avatar
Delete Task DELETE HOST/api/tasks/id (Pass task-id inplace of 'id')
Delete User DELETE HOST/api/users/me