Welcome to my NixOS Dotfiles repository! Here, you'll find my personal configuration files for NixOS, tailored to create an efficient and productive development environment.

Clone the repository in home directory:
git clone https://github.com/Gurjaka/Dotfiles.git ~/
Modify flake.nix to set Hostname, Username, and Drivers in ~/Dotfiles/flake.nix
Note: Don't forget to edit the appropriate settings such as username & hardware configuration You can use
cp /etc/nixos/hardware-configuration.nix ~/Dotfiles/nixos/
Rebuild your system (Change HOSTNAME):
sudo nixos-rebuild switch --flake ~/Dotfiles#HOSTNAME
- Linux Kernel: Xanmod
- Desktop Environment: Qtile
- Terminal Emulator: Foot and Kitty
- Shell: Fish
- Compositor: Qtile Wayland
- Notifier: SwayNC
This color scheme is inspired from Nord |