You can use this like a normal printf()
#include "logger.h"
int main() {
//set standard
//debug = 1 shows debug output, debug = 0 doesn't show any
debug = 1;
// with writeOnText = 1 the library prints on appLog.log file,
//with writeOnText = 0 prints on the stdio stream
writeOnText = 0;
/*log_normal gives a wprintf that gets automatically redirected to appLog.log file
if writeOnText == 1*/
log_normal(L"sample text with some vargs %d\n", 10);
log_info(L"sample text with some vargs %c %d", 'b', 10);
//debug gets printed only if debug == 1
log_debug(L"sample text");
log_error(L"sample text");
//log_fatal closes the program with "exit(EXIT_FAILURE);" and gives a fatal error message
log_fatal(L"sample text");