- 重构项目结构,基于net/http封装自定义网络请求包
- 对常见组件及WEB应用漏洞采取go形式poc扫描,yml形式poc支持raw解析,采用X-ray格式
- 删除部分功能,例如:WMIExec、MS17010 EXP、Http/Socks5 Proxy、SSH命令执行、Redis后利用等
- 去除常见服务爆破时error输出信息
- 默认扫描结果文件名优化
- 完善爆破用户名、密码,服务分组端口等
- 完善常见组件及WEB应用等指纹识别
- 融入NetSpy工具
- ......
# 扫描模块使用
./Predator scan -h -noping
# 探测网段可达
./Predator spy -sm icmp
Usage: Predator Command
Scan : comprehensive scanning of internal and external network assets.
-ap string
add port base DefaultPorts, -pa 3389
-apwd string
add a password base DefaultPasswords, -apwd xxx
-auser string
add a user base DefaultUsers, -auser xxx
-br int
brute threads when scan, -br (default 5)
-cookie string
set pocs cookie, -cookie rememberMe=login
-dc string
smb domain, -dc xxx
-debug int
every time to LogErr, -debug xxx (default 60)
using dnslog pocs, -dns
check fastjson vuln, -fastjson
-h string
select target address of the host to scan, for example: | |,
-hash string
set hash, -hash xxx
-hf string
use host file, -hf ip.txt
check log4j2 vuln, -log4
-m string
select scan type, -m ssh (default "all")
no color cli, -nc
-nh string
set the hosts no scan, -hn
not to brute password, -bp
not to ping, -noping
not to scan web vul, -nopoc
not to save output log, -nosave
-np string
the ports no scan, -pn 445
-num int
pocs rate, -num xxx (default 25)
-o string
output results to file, -o xxx (default "output.txt")
-p string
select port to scan, for example: 22 | 1-65535 | 22,80,3306 (default "21,22,23,80,81,88,135,139,143,389,443,445,1433,1521,2171,2181,2375,3306,3389,4444,5432,5632,5900,5984,6379,6443,7001,8000,8061,8080,8081,8086,8088,8089,8161,8443,8848,8888,9000,9043,9080,9090,9200,9300,10051,10250,11211,15672,27018,50070")
-pf string
use port File, -pf port.txt
use ping replace icmp, -ping
-pocf string
use pocs file path, -pf pocs.txt
-pocname string
use the pocs these contain pocname, -pocname weblogic
-pwd string
password, -pwd xxx
-pwdf string
use password file, -pwdf pwd.txt
-s silent scan, -s
-sk string
sshkey file (id_rsa), -sk xxx
check springboot vuln. -springboot
-thread int
thread nums when scan, -thread xxx (default 600)
-time int
set timeout when scan, -time xxx (default 5)
-top int
show live len top, -top xxx (default 10)
-u string
url, -u url
-uf string
urlfile, -uf url.txt
-user string
username, -user xxx
-userf string
use username file, -userf user.txt
-wt int
set web timeout, -wt xxx (default 3)
Spy : quickly detect reachable network segments on the internal network.
-sc string
specify detection CIDR (for example:
show debugging information (default: false)
-se string
specify the last number of the IP (default: 1, 254, 2, 255)
force detection of all generated IPs (default: false)
-sm string
icmp protocol to spy, use icmp/ping/tcp/udp
-so string
the path to save the surviving network segment results (default: spy.txt) (default "spy.txt")
-sr int
the number of digits at the end of the IP random number (default: 1) (default 1)
only show surviving network segments (default: false)
whether to detect special intranets (default: false)
-st int
number of echo request messages be sent (default: 1) (default 1)
-sth int
number of concurrencies (default: 50) (default 50)
-sto int
packet sending timeout in milliseconds (default: 100) (default 100)
-stp string
specify tcp port to spy (default: 21, 22, 23, 80, 135, 139, 443, 445, 3389, 8080) (default "21,22,23,80,135,139,443,445,3389,8080")
-sup string
specify udp port to spy (default: 53, 123, 137, 161, 520, 523, 1645, 1701, 1900, 5353) (default "53,123,137,161,520,523,1645,1701,1900,5353")
rapid detection mode (default: false)