Detect HTML color group using K Nearest Neighbours as displayed in HTML Color Groups
Algorithm tensor can be found in backend/prediction.ipynb
Follow guide Install TensorFlow with pip
Web app for above algorithm is developed with gRPC backend and svelte frontend and is driven via envoy proxy.
- python
- docker
- pip
- protoc
- node.js
Install backend dependancies
pip install grpcio-tools
pip install tensorflow
Generate python proto code
python -m grpc_tools.protoc -I./protos --python_out=./backend --grpc_python_out=./backend ./protos/colors.proto
Generate javascript proto code
protoc -I=protos colors.proto --js_out=import_style=commonjs:frontend/lib
protoc -I=protos colors.proto --grpc-web_out=import_style=commonjs,mode=grpcwebtext:frontend/lib
Build frontend
cd frontend
yarn install
yarn build
# For building client code, not using any frameworks
# Frameworks like react, svelte can use proto buffer javascript files directly
# yarn webpack ./client.js --output-path ./public/ --mode development
Check if tcp connection is open
nc -vz 50051
docker-compose up --build --detach
This will start python gRPC server and envoy proxy.
cd frontend
yarn dev
For starting frontend development server.