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update guidance on array fields
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BSnelling committed Aug 22, 2024
1 parent 5e72600 commit 78de344
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Showing 6 changed files with 273 additions and 21 deletions.
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions docs/HDRUK/3.0.0.form.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1535,7 +1535,7 @@
"required": false,
"title": "Investigations",
"description": "Please provide link to any active projects that are using the dataset.",
"guidance": "- Please provide the website address(es) which document information related to active projects utilising the dataset.\\n- Please split your existing list of citations into separate fields.\\n- To add multiple entries, please click on **'+' symbol** to enter each separate website.\\n- **Example**: <>",
"guidance": "- Please provide the website address(es) which document information related to active projects utilising the dataset.\\n- Please split your existing list of citations into separate fields.\\n- To add multiple entries, type in each website and press enter to add it to the list.\\n- **Example**: <>",
"examples": null,
"is_list": true,
"is_optional": true,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1567,7 +1567,7 @@
"required": false,
"title": "Publication about the dataset",
"description": "DOIs for publications which describe the dataset.",
"guidance": "- Please provide the DOIs for publications which describe the dataset.\\n- Please split your existing list of citations into separate fields.\\n- To add multiple entries, please click on **'+' symbol** to enter each separate citation.\\n- **Example**: <>",
"guidance": "- Please provide the DOIs for publications which describe the dataset.\\n- Please split your existing list of citations into separate fields.\\n- To add multiple entries, type in each citation and press enter to add it to the list.\\n- **Example**: <>",
"examples": [
Expand All @@ -1584,7 +1584,7 @@
"required": false,
"title": "Publication using the dataset",
"description": "DOIs for publications which use the dataset for analysis.",
"guidance": "- Please provide the DOIs for publications which have used the dataset in their analysis.\\n- Please split your existing list of citations into separate fields.\\n- To add multiple entries, please click on **'+' symbol** to enter each separate citation.\\n- **Example**: <>",
"guidance": "- Please provide the DOIs for publications which have used the dataset in their analysis.\\n- Please split your existing list of citations into separate fields.\\n- To add multiple entries, type in each citation and press enter to add it to the list.\\n- **Example**: <>",
"examples": [
Expand Down
18 changes: 9 additions & 9 deletions docs/HDRUK/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -960,9 +960,9 @@ None

Please provide link to any active projects that are using the dataset.

| title | guidance | is_list | required | type |
| Investigations | - Please provide the website address(es) which document information related to active projects utilising the dataset.<br>- Please split your existing list of citations into separate fields.<br>- To add multiple entries, please click on **'+' symbol** to enter each separate website.<br>- **Example**: <> | True | False | ["Url[{'anyOf': [{'format': 'uri', 'minLength': 1, 'type': 'string'}, {'type': 'null'}]}]"] |
| title | guidance | is_list | required | type |
| Investigations | - Please provide the website address(es) which document information related to active projects utilising the dataset.<br>- Please split your existing list of citations into separate fields.<br>- To add multiple entries, type in each website and press enter to add it to the list.<br>- **Example**: <> | True | False | ["Url[{'anyOf': [{'format': 'uri', 'minLength': 1, 'type': 'string'}, {'type': 'null'}]}]"] |

Expand All @@ -982,9 +982,9 @@ Please provide the URL of any analysis tools or models that have been created fo

DOIs for publications which describe the dataset.

| title | guidance | is_list | required | type |
| Publication about the dataset | - Please provide the DOIs for publications which describe the dataset.<br>- Please split your existing list of citations into separate fields.<br>- To add multiple entries, please click on **'+' symbol** to enter each separate citation.<br>- **Example**: <> | True | False | ["Doi[{'anyOf': [{'pattern': '^10.\\\\d{4,9}/[-._;()/:a-zA-Z0-9]+$', 'type': 'string'}, {'type': 'null'}]}]"] |
| title | guidance | is_list | required | type |
| Publication about the dataset | - Please provide the DOIs for publications which describe the dataset.<br>- Please split your existing list of citations into separate fields.<br>- To add multiple entries, type in each citation and press enter to add it to the list.<br>- **Example**: <> | True | False | ["Doi[{'anyOf': [{'pattern': '^10.\\\\d{4,9}/[-._;()/:a-zA-Z0-9]+$', 'type': 'string'}, {'type': 'null'}]}]"] |


Expand All @@ -995,9 +995,9 @@ Examples:

DOIs for publications which use the dataset for analysis.

| title | guidance | is_list | required | type |
| Publication using the dataset | - Please provide the DOIs for publications which have used the dataset in their analysis.<br>- Please split your existing list of citations into separate fields.<br>- To add multiple entries, please click on **'+' symbol** to enter each separate citation.<br>- **Example**: <> | True | False | ["Doi[{'anyOf': [{'pattern': '^10.\\\\d{4,9}/[-._;()/:a-zA-Z0-9]+$', 'type': 'string'}, {'type': 'null'}]}]"] |
| title | guidance | is_list | required | type |
| Publication using the dataset | - Please provide the DOIs for publications which have used the dataset in their analysis.<br>- Please split your existing list of citations into separate fields.<br>- To add multiple entries, type in each citation and press enter to add it to the list.<br>- **Example**: <> | True | False | ["Doi[{'anyOf': [{'pattern': '^10.\\\\d{4,9}/[-._;()/:a-zA-Z0-9]+$', 'type': 'string'}, {'type': 'null'}]}]"] |


Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions docs/HDRUK/3.0.0.structure.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1290,7 +1290,7 @@
"required": false,
"title": "Investigations",
"description": "Please provide link to any active projects that are using the dataset.",
"guidance": "Please provide the website address(es) which document information related to active projects utilising the dataset.- Please split your existing list of citations into separate fields.- To add multiple entries, please click on '+' symbol to enter each separate website.- Example:",
"guidance": "Please provide the website address(es) which document information related to active projects utilising the dataset.- Please split your existing list of citations into separate fields.- To add multiple entries, type in each website and press enter to add it to the list.- Example:",
"examples": null,
"type": [
"Url[{'anyOf': [{'format': 'uri', 'minLength': 1, 'type': 'string'}, {'type': 'null'}]}]"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1318,7 +1318,7 @@
"required": false,
"title": "Publication about the dataset",
"description": "DOIs for publications which describe the dataset.",
"guidance": "Please provide the DOIs for publications which describe the dataset.- Please split your existing list of citations into separate fields.- To add multiple entries, please click on '+' symbol to enter each separate citation.- Example:",
"guidance": "Please provide the DOIs for publications which describe the dataset.- Please split your existing list of citations into separate fields.- To add multiple entries, type in each citation and press enter to add it to the list.- Example:",
"examples": [
Expand All @@ -1334,7 +1334,7 @@
"required": false,
"title": "Publication using the dataset",
"description": "DOIs for publications which use the dataset for analysis.",
"guidance": "Please provide the DOIs for publications which have used the dataset in their analysis.- Please split your existing list of citations into separate fields.- To add multiple entries, please click on '+' symbol to enter each separate citation.- Example:",
"guidance": "Please provide the DOIs for publications which have used the dataset in their analysis.- Please split your existing list of citations into separate fields.- To add multiple entries, type in each citation and press enter to add it to the list.- Example:",
"examples": [
Expand Down
252 changes: 252 additions & 0 deletions hdr_schemata/definitions/HDRUK/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
from enum import Enum

class CountryCodeEnum(Enum):
AF = 'AF'
AL = 'AL'
DZ = 'DZ'
AS = 'AS'
AD = 'AD'
AO = 'AO'
AI = 'AI'
AQ = 'AQ'
AG = 'AG'
AR = 'AR'
AM = 'AM'
AW = 'AW'
AU = 'AU'
AT = 'AT'
AZ = 'AZ'
BS = 'BS'
BH = 'BH'
BD = 'BD'
BB = 'BB'
BY = 'BY'
BE = 'BE'
BZ = 'BZ'
BJ = 'BJ'
BM = 'BM'
BT = 'BT'
BO = 'BO'
BQ = 'BQ'
BA = 'BA'
BW = 'BW'
BV = 'BV'
BR = 'BR'
IO = 'IO'
BN = 'BN'
BG = 'BG'
BF = 'BF'
BI = 'BI'
CV = 'CV'
KH = 'KH'
CM = 'CM'
CA = 'CA'
KY = 'KY'
CF = 'CF'
TD = 'TD'
CL = 'CL'
CN = 'CN'
CX = 'CX'
CC = 'CC'
CO = 'CO'
KM = 'KM'
CD = 'CD'
CG = 'CG'
CK = 'CK'
CR = 'CR'
HR = 'HR'
CU = 'CU'
CW = 'CW'
CY = 'CY'
CZ = 'CZ'
CI = 'CI'
DK = 'DK'
DJ = 'DJ'
DM = 'DM'
DO = 'DO'
EC = 'EC'
EG = 'EG'
SV = 'SV'
GQ = 'GQ'
ER = 'ER'
EE = 'EE'
SZ = 'SZ'
ET = 'ET'
FK = 'FK'
FO = 'FO'
FJ = 'FJ'
FI = 'FI'
FR = 'FR'
GF = 'GF'
PF = 'PF'
TF = 'TF'
GA = 'GA'
GM = 'GM'
GE = 'GE'
DE = 'DE'
GH = 'GH'
GI = 'GI'
GR = 'GR'
GL = 'GL'
GD = 'GD'
GP = 'GP'
GU = 'GU'
GT = 'GT'
GG = 'GG'
GN = 'GN'
GW = 'GW'
GY = 'GY'
HT = 'HT'
HM = 'HM'
VA = 'VA'
HN = 'HN'
HK = 'HK'
HU = 'HU'
IS = 'IS'
IN = 'IN'
ID = 'ID'
IR = 'IR'
IQ = 'IQ'
IE = 'IE'
IM = 'IM'
IL = 'IL'
IT = 'IT'
JM = 'JM'
JP = 'JP'
JE = 'JE'
JO = 'JO'
KZ = 'KZ'
KE = 'KE'
KI = 'KI'
KP = 'KP'
KR = 'KR'
KW = 'KW'
KG = 'KG'
LA = 'LA'
LV = 'LV'
LB = 'LB'
LS = 'LS'
LR = 'LR'
LY = 'LY'
LI = 'LI'
LT = 'LT'
LU = 'LU'
MO = 'MO'
MG = 'MG'
MW = 'MW'
MY = 'MY'
MV = 'MV'
ML = 'ML'
MT = 'MT'
MH = 'MH'
MQ = 'MQ'
MR = 'MR'
MU = 'MU'
YT = 'YT'
MX = 'MX'
FM = 'FM'
MD = 'MD'
MC = 'MC'
MN = 'MN'
ME = 'ME'
MS = 'MS'
MA = 'MA'
MZ = 'MZ'
MM = 'MM'
NA = 'NA'
NR = 'NR'
NP = 'NP'
NL = 'NL'
NC = 'NC'
NZ = 'NZ'
NI = 'NI'
NE = 'NE'
NG = 'NG'
NU = 'NU'
NF = 'NF'
MK = 'MK'
MP = 'MP'
NO = 'NO'
OM = 'OM'
PK = 'PK'
PW = 'PW'
PS = 'PS'
PA = 'PA'
PG = 'PG'
PY = 'PY'
PE = 'PE'
PH = 'PH'
PN = 'PN'
PL = 'PL'
PT = 'PT'
PR = 'PR'
QA = 'QA'
RO = 'RO'
RU = 'RU'
RW = 'RW'
RE = 'RE'
BL = 'BL'
SH = 'SH'
KN = 'KN'
LC = 'LC'
MF = 'MF'
PM = 'PM'
VC = 'VC'
WS = 'WS'
SM = 'SM'
ST = 'ST'
SA = 'SA'
SN = 'SN'
RS = 'RS'
SC = 'SC'
SL = 'SL'
SG = 'SG'
SX = 'SX'
SK = 'SK'
SI = 'SI'
SB = 'SB'
SO = 'SO'
ZA = 'ZA'
GS = 'GS'
SS = 'SS'
ES = 'ES'
LK = 'LK'
SD = 'SD'
SR = 'SR'
SJ = 'SJ'
SE = 'SE'
CH = 'CH'
SY = 'SY'
TW = 'TW'
TJ = 'TJ'
TZ = 'TZ'
TH = 'TH'
TL = 'TL'
TG = 'TG'
TK = 'TK'
TO = 'TO'
TT = 'TT'
TN = 'TN'
TM = 'TM'
TC = 'TC'
TV = 'TV'
TR = 'TR'
UG = 'UG'
UA = 'UA'
AE = 'AE'
GB = 'GB'
UM = 'UM'
US = 'US'
UY = 'UY'
UZ = 'UZ'
VU = 'VU'
VE = 'VE'
VN = 'VN'
VG = 'VG'
VI = 'VI'
WF = 'WF'
EH = 'EH'
YE = 'YE'
ZM = 'ZM'
ZW = 'ZW'
AX = 'AX'

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