This guide walks you through setting up Kafka with Helm, deploying several microservices, and using Kafka UI for monitoring.
- Kubernetes cluster
- Helm installed
- Kubectl installed
Add the Bitnami Helm repository and install Kafka with Zookeeper.
helm repo add bitnami
helm install kafka-local bitnami/kafka \
--set persistence.enabled=false,zookeeper.persistence.enabled=false
Run a Kafka client pod to interact with your Kafka instance.
kubectl run kafka-local-client \
--restart='Never' \
--image \
--namespace orders-microservice \
--command \
-- sleep infinity
Access the Kafka client pod to execute Kafka commands.
kubectl exec --tty -i kafka-local-client --namespace orders-microservice -- bash
Deploy the following microservices in your Kubernetes cluster.
kubectl run order-svc --rm --tty -i \
--image worldbosskafka/orders:v1.0.0 \
--restart Never \
--namespace orders-microservice \
--command \
-- python3 -u ./
kubectl run transaction-svc --rm --tty -i \
--image worldbosskafka/transactions:v1.0.0 \
--restart Never \
--namespace orders-microservice \
--command \
-- python3 -u ./
kubectl run notification-svc --rm --tty -i \
--image worldbosskafka/notification:v1.0.0 \
--restart Never \
--namespace orders-microservice \
--command \
-- python3 -u ./
kubectl run analytics-svc --rm --tty -i \
--image worldbosskafka/analytics:v1.0.0 \
--restart Never \
--namespace orders-microservice \
--command \
-- python3 -u ./
Add the Kafka UI Helm repository and install the Kafka UI for monitoring your Kafka clusters.
helm repo add kafka-ui
helm install kafka-ui kafka-ui/kafka-ui \
--set envs.config.KAFKA_CLUSTERS_0_NAME=kafka-local \
--set envs.config.KAFKA_CLUSTERS_0_BOOTSTRAPSERVERS=kafka-local.orders-microservice.svc.cluster.local:9092
Port forward the Kafka UI service to your local machine to access it in your web browser.
kubectl port-forward svc/kafka-ui 8080:8080
Now you can access the Kafka UI by navigating to http://localhost:8080
in your web browser.
This guide sets up Kafka with a few basic microservices and a web-based UI for monitoring. Adjust the configurations as needed for your environment.