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Mats Sjöberg edited this page Aug 27, 2015 · 4 revisions

You can now use Docker as an alternative to a regular install. It has been tested only in Linux so far.

Install docker

First, you need to install Docker. In Debian or Ubuntu you can simply do:

sudo apt-get install docker

Create docker image

make docker

Run docker image

make runDocker

NOTE: This will create a directory to store the database in order to have a persistent session (i.e. to have the same database, even though you stop and restart the Docker image). You can change the path to anything you wish to use (by editing the Makefile). The chmod 777 is due to the fact that I haven't yet figured out how to map the Docker users to the host system's users. You can restrict access to 770 after the first run if you are worried.

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