Would you look at that!
This package has a few examples of how to do lookout related stuff. To get started look at the look_at_service.py. To run the service, just run it with python look_at_service.py
for now. The package will be configured to do rosrun
at some point.
When you run it, it creates 3 services:
lookat_vec3: Expects a geometry_msgs/Vector3 in base_link frame to look at
lookat_tr: Expects a geometry_msgs/Transform in base_link frame to look at
lookat_s_tr: Expects a geometry_msgs/TransformStamped with a valid frame_id (i.e. something that exists in the tf tree) to look at.
The look_at_client.py file has some example code to look at the end effector using the service.
The follow_eef.py file has some example code to look at things without using the service.