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Project Overview

Project Name: Sparse-BLAS

Principle Investigator: Shuaiwen Song ([email protected])

General Area or Topic of Investigation: Optimizing sparse Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms (BLAS) on modern multi-GPU systems.

Release Number: 1.0

Installation Guide

The following sections detail the compilation, packaging, and installation of the software. Also included are test data and scripts to verify the installation was successful.

Environment Requirements

Programming Language: CUDA C/C++

Operating System & Version: Ubuntu 16.04

Required Disk Space: 50MB (additional space is required for storing test input matrix files).

Required Memory: Varies with different tests.

Nodes / Cores Used: One node with one or more Nvidia GPUs.


Name Version Download Location Country of Origin Special Instructions
GCC 5.4.0 USA None
CUDA 8.0 or newer USA None
OpenMP 3.1 or newer USA None

Distribution Files

File Description
./src Contains source code for different implementations of SpVM.
./include Contains header files.
./test Contains source code of mini test programs.
Makefile Used to compile the library and tests.

Installation Instructions

(1) In the Makefile, edit the variable CUDA_INSTALL_PATH to match the CUDA installation directory and CUDA_SAMPLES_PATH to match the directory of CUDA samples that were installed with CUDA.

(2) Add <CUDA installation directory>/bin to the system's $PATH environment variable.

(3) Type make to compile the library and tests.

Test Cases

  • To verify the install was successful, a small test can be done:

    • cd into the test folder.
    • run ./test_spmv g 200 1 1 1 to test SpMV on a small randomly generated input matrix on a single GPU. If the test was successful, it should output the time comparison of all three implementations without any error message.
  • To run a more comprehensive test, a test script is provided:

    • cd into the test folder.
    • Change the NGPU and KERNEL variables in to be desired number of GPU(s) and kernel version.
    • run ./ to start test.

User Guide

Using the test binary

  • if use randomly generated input matrix

    ./spmv g [matri size n] [num. of GPU(s)] [num. of repeat test(s)] [kernel version (1, 2, or 3)]

    • [matri size n]: It will ramdomly generate (double floating point) a non-uniformly distributed input matrix with size n*n. The dimension can be arbitrary large as long as it can fit into the CPU RAM. However, since the baseline version is not optimized for large scale, it will fail to launch if the matrix is too large. SpMV version 1 uses static sheduleing rule which also bring limitation on matrix size but has less strict constrain than the baseline version.
    • [num. of GPU(s)]: The number of GPU(s) will be applied to the baseline version and version 1. SpMV version 2 will be optimum number of GPU(s) from 1 to the number GPU(s) specified.
    • [num. of repeat test(s)]: Number of repeat test to be run.
    • [kernel version (1, 2, or 3)]: 1: the regular sparse matrix-vector multiplication in Nvidia's cuSparse; 2: the optimized sparse matrix-vector multiplication in Nvidia's cuSparse; 3: the sparse matrix-vector multiplication implemented in CSR5. Kernel version will be applied to SpVM version 1 and 2 only. The baseline version will use the kernel version 1 only.
  • if use input matrix from file

    ./spmv f [path to matrix file] [num. of GPU(s)] [num. of repeat test(s)] [kernel version (1, 2, or 3)] [data type ('f' or 'b')] .

    • [path to matrix file]: It will load input matrix from the given path. The matrix files can be obtained from: The SuiteSparse Matrix Collection. For example:
    • [data type ('f' or 'b')]: Some matries are filled with floating point elements and some are filled with binary elements. Since we only implemented double floating point SpVM, we will convert and treat all of them as double floating point elements. This require users to sprcify the data type in original matrix.
    • [num. of GPU(s)]: The number of GPU(s) will be applied to the baseline version and version 1. SpMV version 2 will be optimum number of GPU(s) from 1 to the number GPU(s) specified.
    • [num. of repeat test(s)]: Number of repeat test to be run.
    • [kernel version (1, 2, or 3)]: 1: the regular sparse matrix-vector multiplication in Nvidia's cuSparse; 2: the optimized sparse matrix-vector multiplication in Nvidia's cuSparse; 3: the sparse matrix-vector multiplication implemented in CSR5. Kernel version will be applied to SpVM version 1 and 2 only. The baseline version will use the kernel version 1 only.
  • Output

The test binary will run tests on all three SpMV versions with options specified by users. The exection time of each run and the averge time will be reported. The correctness of the output of SpVM version 1 and 2 are verified by comparing their results with the output of the baseline version. If the baseline version failed to launch (e.g., run out of memory error), the comparion result will output as 'N/A', since no comparison can be done.

Description of SpMV Kernels

All SpVM version perform the matrix-vector operation: y = α ∗ A ∗ x + β ∗ y


Input parameter type Description
m int Number of rows of the input matrix A.
n int Number of columns of the input matrix A.
nnz long long Number of nonzero elements in the input matrix A.
alpha double * Scalar used for multiplication.
csrVal double * Array of nnz nonzero elements of matrix A as in CSR format.
csrRowPtr long long * Array of m+1 elements that contains the start of every row and the end of the last row plus one.
csrColIndex int * Array of nnz column indices of the nonzero elements of matrix A.
x double * Vector x
beta double * Scalar used for multiplication.
y double * Vector y
ngpu int Number of GPU(s) to be used.

Output type Description
y double * Vector y

Input parameter type Description
m int Number of rows of the input matrix A.
n int Number of columns of the input matrix A.
nnz long long Number of nonzero elements in the input matrix A.
alpha double * Scalar used for multiplication.
csrVal double * Array of nnz nonzero elements of matrix A as in CSR format.
csrRowPtr long long * Array of m+1 elements that contains the start of every row and the end of the last row plus one.
csrColIndex int * Array of nnz column indices of the nonzero elements of matrix A.
x double * Vector x
beta double * Scalar used for multiplication.
y double * Vector y
ngpu int Number of GPU(s) to be used.
kernel int The computing kernel (1 - 3) to be used. 1: the regular sparse matrix-vector multiplication in Nvidia's cuSparse; 2: the optimized sparse matrix-vector multiplication in Nvidia's cuSparse; 3: the sparse matrix-vector multiplication implemented in CSR5.

Output type Description
y double * Vector y

Input parameter type Description
m int Number of rows of the input matrix A.
n int Number of columns of the input matrix A.
nnz long long Number of nonzero elements in the input matrix A.
alpha double * Scalar used for multiplication.
csrVal double * Array of nnz nonzero elements of matrix A as in CSR format.
csrRowPtr long long * Array of m+1 elements that contains the start of every row and the end of the last row plus one.
csrColIndex int * Array of nnz column indices of the nonzero elements of matrix A.
x double * Vector x.
beta double * Scalar used for multiplication.
y double * Vector y.
ngpu int Number of GPU(s) to be used.
kernel int The computing kernel (1 - 3) to be used. 1: the regular sparse matrix-vector multiplication in Nvidia's cuSparse; 2: the optimized sparse matrix-vector multiplication in Nvidia's cuSparse; 3: the sparse matrix-vector multiplication implemented in CSR5.
nb int Number of elements per task.
q int Number of Hyper-Q(s) on each GPU.

Output type Description
y double * Vector y