This repository holds the code for a home automation system that I am creating from scratch using Arduino. This README will explain more details about this project, and how to get it running.
This project is being developed on my free time, so development will be slow.
My goal is to create a cheaper (and possibly better) alternative to home automation systems on the market.
The system will consist of sensor hubs (or stations) that will be placed in each room of a house. Each hub will report wirelessly to the main hub which will compile all of the data and broadcast it on a secure server that the homeowner can access to view and control temperature, room activity, etc.
Top: Breadboarded HAS board Bottom: v1 of HAS PCB
Each sensor hub will consist of the following:
The hub is still in development, so some of these items may change.
- 1x NRF24L01 Radio Transceiver
- 1x Teensy LC
- 1x DHT11 Temperature and Humidity Sensor
- 2x 1k Resistors
- 1x 330 Resistor
- 2x 3mm OR 5mm Red LEDs
The server/main hub will likely consist of the following:
- Raspberry Pi Zero W running Arch
- More to come...
The wiring schematics for the different versions.
Eagle CAD board and schematic files for the different verions.
- Rev1
- Rev2 (no board created)
NRF24L01 | Arduino |
1 (GND) | GND |
2 (VCC) | 3.3V |
3 (CE) | D9 |
4 (CSN) | D10 |
5 (SCK) | D13 |
6 (MOSI) | D11 |
7 (MISO) | D12 |
8 (IRQ) | n/a |
This work by Demetrius Van Sickle is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.