A userscript library for seamlessly adding chess move arrows to game boards on popular platforms like Chess.com, Lichess.org, and almost anywhere else.
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To use UniversalBoardDrawer in your userscript, you need to add the following line to the userscript header
// @require https://greasyfork.org/scripts/470417-universalboarddrawer-js/code/UniversalBoardDrawerjs.js
const BoardDrawer = new UniversalBoardDrawer(boardElem, config);
The board element (HTMLElement) needs to be completely initialized and ready, otherwise UniversalBoardDrawer's container might disappear. For accurate results, ensure that the size and position of this element is as close to the visible portion of the board as possible.
The config (Object) can consists of the following properties:
(Object): A variable representing the window object.playerColor
(String): The board orientation, either'w'
(HTMLElement, optional): The element where UniversalBoardDrawer's container will be appended. Make sure the element doesn't haveposition: relative;
CSS styling. Defaults todocument.body
(Array, optional): The dimensions of the board. Defaults to[8, 8]
(Number, optional): The z-index of the UniversalBoardDrawer container. If you don't see UniversalBoardDrawer, try raising this number. Defaults to1000
(Boolean, optional): Specifies whether to prepend the arrows and such to the UniversalBoardDrawer's container. Defaults tofalse
(Boolean, optional): Specifies whether the debug mode is enabled. Enable this to see console logs from UniversalBoardDrawer. Defaults tofalse
This method creates a shape on the board with the specified configuration.
(String): The type of shape to create. Currently, only'arrow'
is supported.coordinates
(Array): An array with two fen position strings representing the start and end positions.config
(Object, optional): An object containing additional configuration options for the shape.
(Number): The width of the arrow line.arrowheadWidth
(Number): The width of the arrowhead.arrowheadHeight
(Number): The height of the arrowhead.startOffset
(Number): The offset of the arrow start position.style
(String): Additional CSS style for the shape element.
An HTMLElement representing the created shape.
This method changes the board orientation.
(String): The orientation to set. Eitherw
(white) orb
This method changes the board dimensions.
(Array): The dimensions to set. The first index is for "file" (width) and the second for "rank" (height), e.g.[8, 8]
This method terminates the UniversalBoardDrawer
instance by removing all elements and cleaning up resources.
Example Usage (chess.com)
// ==UserScript==
// @name Example userscript
// @namespace HKR
// @match https://www.chess.com/play/computer
// @grant none
// @version 1.0
// @author HKR
// @description Example userscript
// @require https://greasyfork.org/scripts/470417-universalboarddrawer-js/code/UniversalBoardDrawerjs.js
// @run-at document-start
// ==/UserScript==
function load(boardElem) {
const BoardDrawer = new UniversalBoardDrawer(boardElem, {
'window': window,
'boardDimensions': [8, 8],
'playerColor': 'w', // assuming you're playing as white
'zIndex': 99999,
'debugMode': true
const defaultArrowElem = BoardDrawer.createShape('arrow', ['f6', 'g7']); // create arrow from f6 to g7, with default config
// create arrow from g5 to e4 with custom config
const bigArrowElem = BoardDrawer.createShape('arrow', ['g5', 'e4'], {
lineWidth: 25,
arrowheadWidth: 75,
arrowheadHeight: 55,
startOffset: 25,
style: `fill: crimson; opacity: 1;`
BoardDrawer.createShape('arrow', ['e7', 'b4'], {
style: `fill: limegreen;`
setTimeout(() => bigArrowElem.remove(), 5000);
setTimeout(() => BoardDrawer.terminate(), 10000);
const observer = new MutationObserver((mutationsList, observer) => {
const boardElem = document.querySelector('chess-board');
if(boardElem) {
observer.observe(document, { childList: true, subtree: true });