Brioche Puppet is the VTuber application based on Brioche (which is the Platform Abstraction Layer over the underlying Vulkan and Direct3D12 API).
Brioche Puppet supports the following rendering approaches:
Brioche Puppet supports the following rasterization approaches:
- Toon (MikuMikuDance)
- PBR (Physically Based Rendering)
- Disney SSS (Subsurface Scattering)
Brioche Puppet supports the following ray tracing approaches:
Brioche Puppet supports the following neural rendering approaches:
Brioche Puppet supports the following scene formats:
Brioche Puppet supports the following image formats:
Brioche Puppet supports the animation retargeting based on the predefined names:
Brioche Puppet supports the following predefined joint names:
JP | EN |
首 | neck |
頭 | head |
左目 | leftEye |
右目 | rightEye |
顎 | jaw |
センター | hips |
上半身 | spine |
上半身2 | chest |
N/A | upperChest |
左肩 | leftShoulder |
右肩 | rightShoulder |
左腕 | leftUpperArm |
右腕 | rightUpperArm |
左ひじ | leftLowerArm |
右ひじ | rightLowerArm |
左手首 | leftHand |
右手首 | rightHand |
左足 | leftUpperLeg |
右足 | rightUpperLeg |
左ひざ | leftLowerLeg |
右ひざ | rightLowerLeg |
左足首 | leftFoot |
右足首 | rightFoot |
左つま先 | leftToes |
右つま先 | rightToes |
左親指0 | leftThumbProximal |
左親指1 | leftThumbIntermediate |
左親指2 | leftThumbDistal |
右親指0 | rightThumbProximal |
右親指1 | rightThumbIntermediate |
右親指2 | rightThumbDistal |
左人指1 | leftIndexProximal |
左人指2 | leftIndexIntermediate |
左人指3 | leftIndexDistal |
右人指1 | rightIndexProximal |
右人指2 | rightIndexIntermediate |
右人指3 | rightIndexDistal |
左中指1 | leftMiddleProximal |
左中指2 | leftMiddleIntermediate |
左中指3 | leftMiddleDistal |
右中指1 | rightMiddleProximal |
右中指2 | rightMiddleIntermediate |
右中指3 | rightMiddleDistal |
左薬指1 | leftRingProximal |
左薬指2 | leftRingIntermediate |
左薬指3 | leftRingDistal |
右薬指1 | rightRingProximal |
右薬指2 | rightRingIntermediate |
右薬指3 | rightRingDistal |
左小指1 | leftLittleProximal |
左小指2 | leftLittleIntermediate |
左小指3 | leftLittleDistal |
右小指1 | rightLittleProximal |
右小指2 | rightLittleIntermediate |
右小指3 | rightLittleDistal |
Brioche Puppet supports the following predefined morph target names:
JP | EN |
N/A | Neutral |
あ | A |
い | I |
う | U |
え | E |
お | O |
まばたき | Blink |
笑い | Joy |
怒り | Angry |
困る | Sorrow |
喜び | Fun |
上 | LookUp |
下 | LookDown |
上左 | LookLeft |
上右 | LookRight |
ウィンク | Blink_L |
ウィンク右 | Blink_R |
Brioche Puppet supports the inverse Kinematics by the following third party face tracking libraries:
- OpenSeeFace
- MediaPipe
Brioche Puppet supports the ragdoll physics by the following third party physics libraries:
- Havok
- JoltPhysics