RPC and Websocket update.
Before doing this update ensure you have the correct docker install (one-click) check if this is the correct version for update.
sudo docker ps -a
Read the output, at the right hand side under "name"
if the strings are plinode, psql_node and psql_ei
then use this update process.
This will cover:
- Taking the node and PGSQL services down with docker-compose down
- Updating the startNode.sh and plugin.env file with the correct endpoints.
- Adding TLS on port 6689 for a more secure dashboard login.
- Adding more mounting points to the container for ease of use.
- Docker compose up then restarting node services.
Please read the docker-compose.yaml file for the mounts and directories that have been linked and can be used outside of the container.
Update installation:
directory and user account where plugin node was installed:
cd /home
Download git files:
sudo git clone https://github.com/HanzgitH/plugin_update.git && cd plugin_update && sudo chmod +x update.sh
As they are multiple RPC and WS types each user will have to manually add the new RPC endpoint and Websocket address:
Move directory to edit the startEI.sh:
cd /opt/docker/goplugin/plugin-deployment
Open the startEI.sh
file and edit:
nano startEI.sh
Edit rpc from https://plirpc.blocksscan.io → https://plixdcrpc.icotokens.net
If your RPC is different then please ensure it is https://plixdcrpc.icotokens.net
Open the plugin.env
file and edit websocket:
nano plugin.env
Save and exit:
ctrl + x, y , press enter
Edit websocket from wss://pluginws.blocksscan.io
→ wss://plixdcwss.icotokens.net
If your Websocket is different then please ensure it is wss://plixdcwss.icotokens.net
Save and exit:
ctrl + x, y , press enter
Now move to the update directory.
cd /home/plugin_update
Run the update.sh
file for TLS and dockercompose:
to login to your dashboard:https://ip:6689
As the certificates are selfsigned each browser will show a warning, as its your own certificate this is acceptable.
This update is to assist the normal operation of a $PLI node.
I have tested this install against my nodes and is free to share and use at each individual's discression, I take no personal responsibility for the use, distribution and implementation of this update.
It is strongly advised to test against a node that matches your installation.
Having a test node is crucial when updating or making changes to reduce errors and downtime.
Read through the code that is located within update.sh
to familiarise yourself with what is intended to be updated and how.
Any points or concerns please reach out in the official goplugin discord channel:
Hanz @DeFi_Jon