A simple web service which you can record your family with.
Demo url: https://a-tree-growing-up.herokuapp.com
You can build your family tree with graphically operating and edit every people in your family. Each person has his/her detail information and dialogs which can used by linebot for imitating talking pattern.
What you need to do is inputting the pattern-response mapping and enabling dialog of the person. And then add the linebot to your family line group. And the bot will respond based on your family dialog database.
Allow you to send emails to groups which can be created customized or people. So you can hold family activities and notify your family members conveniently.
Getting the QRcode of your family tree URL, so you can get your tree with cellphone easily.
Export your family data and download it for backup.
- used in code by process.env.[VARIABLE_NAME]
- if running locally, you can set environment variables in the .env file
GMAIL_USER: user of google accout
GMAIL_KEY: password of google account
GOOGLE_API_KEY: for shortenUrl API
TREE_FILE_EXCHANGE_IV: for encrypting exported data by AES (16 bytes to base64)
TREE_FILE_EXCHANGE_KEY: for encrypting exported data by AES (32 bytes to base64)
DB_URL: URL of remote db ex: mongodb://mydb.xxx.xxx:27017/
USER_FT: user name of familytree db account
PWD_FT: password of familytree db account
USER_LB: user name of linebot db account
PWD_LB: password of linebot db account
The following commands use docker, so please ensure that you have installed docker in your computer.
first, clone this repository
git clone https://github.com/HarkuLi/family_tree.git
cd family_tree
build docker image by Dockerfile
npm run build-dev
And then, you have to build a database of mongodb.
When it comes to db, you have two choices:
- running locally: you can follow the steps below.
- running remotely: you should find your way to running db on the Internet.
create a volume to saving data of mongodb
npm run create-vol
if you don't have mongo image, run this
docker pull mongo
then, run mongodb in docker
npm run mongo-docker
start the server
npm run start-docker-localdb
now, you can access your server on localhost:5000
first, you should run your db on the Internet
then, write the url and authentication info. in the .env file
note that we strongly recommend you using auth for mongodb if your db connects with Internet
you can see more information here
after you set up your db and .env file, run
npm run start-docker-remotedb
now, you can access your server on localhost:5000
go to the repository of linebot to see more detail