We are interested in your approach to the following problems.
Please do the test in Selenium with a proper Object Oriented Programming language using automated testing best practices. This is expected to take no more than 1 hour.
Fork this project.
Commit each exercise once you've finished with it.
Create Page Object Model framework for www.valtech.co.uk to do the exercise 2 & 3
Navigate to www.valtech.co.uk HOME PAGE
- a. Assert that the “Recent Blogs” section is displaying
- b. Click on the first blog article & then assert that the page title is present
a. Navigate to ABOUT, SERVICES and WORK pages via top navigation and assert that H1 tag in each page is displaying the relevant page name. Ex H1 tag in Services page is displaying as “Services”
b. Navigate to Contact page (/about/contact-us) and output how many Valtech offices in total
Once you're finished, commit & push your changes, send us a link to your fork.
- Before you run test, make sure your firefox version to be >50 as am using selenium 3
G0 to root directory
- COMMAND : mvn clean test
- go to src/test/java/com/valtech and run RunCukesTest.java
- Junit
- Cucumber (selected framework)
- Webdriver manager (to download all browser drivers )
- Selenium (to interact with UI)
- Hamcrest (To assert)
- Cucumber-picocontaine (for dependency injections )
- Used page object model
- Used page factory
- Used Dependency injection concept (piko-container form Cucumber)
- Will be nice to take screen shot on every test failure.