To use the build tools for this project, you will need to install the following components:
Any JRE 8 or higher should work, it has been tested with JDK 11. We recommend using JDK 10 or higher because sometimes 2Gb isn't enough to build an IG with a lot of content, but JDK 8 is likely sufficient for most. Java is used to run XSLT transforms over XML files to craft IG content and image source files, create images from PlantUML source, and to run the FHIR IG Publisher. To see if you have java installed (and which version), type the following at a command prompt
java -version
Node.js is used to run software written in JavaScript using the runtime version of the JavaScript engine in Chrome. Node is needed by Sushi (see below).
Sushi is the processing engine for FHIR SHorthand (FSH) created by folks at MITRE. It creates FHIR Example Resources, Resource Profiles and ImplementationGuide resources from a simplified language, and does some setup to make it very easy to install the FHIR IG Builder. To install Sushi, simply type the following at a command line prompt (after you've installed Node.js):
npm install -g fsh-sushi
This will install Sushi for you. Recent work from the MITRE Sushi Team, Josh Mandel and Grahame Grieve integrate Sushi runs into the build if you have a Fish Tank named fsh in your build.
In order to run the IG Publisher locally, you will need to install Ruby and Jekyll. This is not essential if you are using GitHub notification-triggered publishing supported by the HL7 environment, but we've found it helpful to run local builds first. Click the first link to find the installer for Ruby for your platform and install it.
To install Jekyll, run the following after you've installed Ruby:
gem install bundler jekyll
The IG Publisher takes the contents of the IG and turns it into collection of web pages that is published. The simplest way to install the Publisher is to run build.bat in the top directory of the folder where you installed Pyromancer and then run _updatePublisher.bat which Sushi installs for you after it runs.
Run a build. To run a build, simply type:
at the Windows command prompt (sorry, no shell scripts yet, contributions welcome).