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neo 3.7.1 Windows 10 Visual Studio 2022

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@Hecate2 Hecate2 released this 14 Aug 03:16
· 24 commits to master since this release

This version may not fit the old debuginfo with devpack <= 3.6, because it assumes that all assembly instructions has corresponding source code in dumpnef. Future releases should be still compatible with old debuginfo.

  • improve StepOverSourceCode
    In previous versions with new debuginfo from devpack 3.7, you may get interrupted by devpack framework when you step over source code that uses source codes from devpack. For example, with ByteString externalTokenId, when stepping over the following source code:
ExecutionEngine.Assert(externalTokenId.Length <= 64, "tokenId.Length > 64");

you stop at source code from devpack that judges the length of externalTokenId, which does not belong to your code

# Code ByteString.cs line 31: "OpCode(OpCode.SIZE)"
3255 SIZE

In this version we step over the whole ExecutionEngine.Assert(externalTokenId.Length <= 64, "tokenId.Length > 64") with a single StepOverSourceCode call