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Heinz-Loepmeier edited this page Oct 30, 2020 · 16 revisions

Here are some examples of editing toolpaths with Blenders internal tools

Animation of the print with Blenders 'Build' modifier

convert to curve:

adding a built modifier will animate the curve when you press play in the timeline:

Non-Planar printing with Lattice and shrinkwrap modifier

Gcode deformation with Lattice modifier and Lattice 'shrinkwraped' to underlaying support:

Selective 'fuzzy skin'

'randomize' curve tool for deformation of original mesh

Temp Z extrude to create faces and have access to Blenders weight painting tools, in a second step moprh between shapeskeys of original und randomized mesh using the weightmap:

Manual path editing

Subtle layer offset to achieve a pressfit for a linear potentiometer in a controller housing: