Deployment to Dev (HelpMyStreet/address-service)
- a89865f Merge pull request #23 from HelpMyStreet/TimedFunction
- b4ab8c9 don't set New Relic transaction name
- b9b4dcc Change DateTime to DateTimeOffset so you get the +1 if it's BST
- c806ad3 update user guide
- 911e03a don't use nameof in HealthCheck function name for consistency
- bcbeabd Change status code to 422 for validation errors
- 40b3bf0 Add health checks
- bb27564 Merge pull request #21 from HelpMyStreet/JM/NewRelic
- ab625df Fix unit tests
- 921c040 Add new relic
See More
- f6249b8 Merge pull request #19 from HelpMyStreet/JM/FixDBAuth
- 3ceb9ec add access token
- 93b7cb1 Merge pull request #18 from HelpMyStreet/JM/ChangeAuth
- 93623a1 Using AccessToken
- 8f11391 Update azure-pipelines.yml for Azure Pipelines
- 0f0858b Update azure-pipelines.yml for Azure Pipelines
- fc9d76c Merge pull request #17 from HelpMyStreet/next-major-release [ #16 ]
- 2ac15b7 Merge pull request #16 from HelpMyStreet/master
- 3204e41 Merge branch 'next-major-release' into master
- 2289ef9 Update azure-pipelines.yml for Azure Pipelines
- 4bd2466 Update azure-pipelines.yml for Azure Pipelines
- 99f8583 Update azure-pipelines.yml for Azure Pipelines
- 9047d7f Update azure-pipelines.yml for Azure Pipelines
- 4a8440d Merge pull request #15 from HelpMyStreet/JM/AddGetPostCodeFriendlyName
- b595a58 Add GetPostCodes
- 76cf43b Merge pull request #14 from HelpMyStreet/WT_GoogleMaps
- 6b0466d Adding New Relic
- 2f49bb9 Move physical location of AddressService.PostcodeLoader
- 26eeb4f update dapper and postman collection
- 2cb23ed Get contract from NuGet package
- d2bf07a Get rid of IsPostcodeWithRadius endpoint as it's no longer required
- be239aa Fix contract (DataMember names are ignored by Newtonsoft if DataContract is missing). Also make member names shorter for faster serialisation.
- bf7e111 Get rid of ConnectionStringsLocalDev because Azure overwrites the connection string and so it's not required
- c864457 Add Swagger
- 552ef75 Add Postman collection
- b013508 Merge pull request #13 from HelpMyStreet/master [ #12 ]
- 73240bd Add GetPostcodeCoordinates endpoint and some unit tests for validation errors
- 2085ec6 Merge pull request #12 from HelpMyStreet/next-major-release [ #11 ]
- b5ebe1e Merge pull request #11 from HelpMyStreet/master [ #10 ]
- 8e3347d Merge pull request #10 from HelpMyStreet/next-major-release
- 04b3562 Merge pull request #9 from HelpMyStreet/PerfImprovements
- 32b7218 address review comments
- fa10f45 Replace NearestPostcode serialiser with Utf8Json
- bcd469b Merge pull request #8 from HelpMyStreet/IsPostcodeWithinRadii
- 2423a94 add DistanceCalculator tests and change namespace of CompressionUtils
- 65dc547 update HMS NuGet package
- ba2f26a Add HttpRequestMessageCompressionUtils tests
- 3da4baa add IsPostcodeWithinRadiiHandler tests
- 1a4cded Add PostcodeCoordinatesGetter tests
- ecf5070 fix PostAsync
- a50bc44 Add EF migration
- cc81810 progress
- d80a71f decompression example
- b427cea Update azure-pipelines.yml for Azure Pipelines
- 64919e2 Update
- f52f227 Update
- c73763a Update
- b231672 Merge pull request #7 from HelpMyStreet/DeleteCachedNearbyPostcodesOnUpdate
- 381eea4 Delete cached nearest postcodes after the postcode updater batch process is run so they will be recalulated. Also, shorten the name of the properties so the JSON is smaller. Includes an EF migration to delete cached nearby postcodes to prevent serialisation errors.
- 152a0b3 Merge pull request #6 from HelpMyStreet/NearestPostcodeCaching
- 1fc0b38 fix tests
- 47d4790 remove output in debug windows
- bee9ca2 Use contracts from nuget package
- d659ad3 Cache nearest postcodes
- 5481013 Merge in master
- 7a5eb9d Get nearest postcodes from DB
- e16ef87 Add [Address].[GetNearestPostcodes] proc EF migration
- 5560efd Validate postcode using DB now postcodes from ONS are marked as active or not
- 8e8d239 Add GetNearbyPostcodesWithoutAddresses tests
- 49d7965 Add NearestPostcodeGetter tests
- e0b439d Merge pull request #5 from HelpMyStreet/IsPostcodeActiveColumn
- 47e8615 Add missing repo method
- c457e30 Merge in IsPostcodeActiveColumn branch
- aabcb27 update PostcodeLoader message
- db56fb9 Merge branch 'IsPostcodeActiveColumn' of into IsPostcodeActiveColumn
- dbdcd02 Change messages
- a45d0bc Merge branch 'IsPostcodeActiveColumn' of into IsPostcodeActiveColumn
- 57476ee Precompiling regex for address sorter
- 1fb3a6d Precompiling regex for address matching. Adding IEnumerableExtensions
- 33540ee Add ILoggerWrapper to make unit testing logging easier
- f0583f6 update NuGet package for updated contract, put saving of addresses and friendly names in a transaction and add unit test
- a5e9335 Merge in Rachel's fancy Friendly Name changes
- e7bb2d1 Add IsActive column to Postcode table as almost a third of postcodes have been retired
- aa0aa77 Adding Friendly Name Generator
- babcd2f progress
- a959b24 Database level stuff for FriendlyName Field
- 68c51c3 Updating entities and creating migration to add FriendlyName field
- 00979e8 Merge pull request #4 from HelpMyStreet/GetNearbyPostcodesWithoutAddresses
- b209ad7 NaturalOrderComparer handles when one input is null, but the other isn't
- 18744e6 Merge in Rachel's fancy address sorter change
- b6847d5 ONS Postcode Directory batch process
- 95e3e77 Remove migration that I prematurely committed
- b34477f Improve postcode validation
- b9b9c2c Remaning comparer class for clarity
- 783edb1 Ordering addresses in Natural order
- a412820 Finished part of program that loads postcode data into the staging table
- 77d3746 Postcode loader progress
- a6e9ad9 Merge pull request #2 from HelpMyStreet/AppSettingsFix
- 6bd325f Fix app settings location
- e13f846 Merge pull request #1 from HelpMyStreet/Development/GetPostcodes
- 3c943e7 Use Response Wrapper class end error code from NuGet package
- a388727 Merge in new Response Wrapper branch
- ca6aa76 Make response wrapper more practical to use
- 045d0ac Order addresses
- f26d1d3 Force error code to be an enum
- 5238f8f Add generic error code enum to ResponseWrapper. This is to allow the front end to easily determine the kind of error (e.g. invalid postcode)
- 23d7206 Automatically apply EF migrations on application startup
- 3d5b868 Don't try to save postcodes that have already been saved. This is a workaround to prevent duplicate PK errors if concurrent requests try to save down the same postcode.
- 65d3288 Update azure-pipelines.yml for Azure Pipelines
- 3b6c8b0 Update azure-pipelines.yml for Azure Pipelines
- 1c93d1a Update azure-pipelines.yml for Azure Pipelines
- 03758bb Add GetPostcode and GetNearbyPostcodes tests
- 48fd2c3 Get contracts and PostcodeFormatter from NuGet package
- f52934b PostcodeIoService tests
- 66e72e7 QasService tests
- ced8166 and method...
- 94a8db9 Change class name of tests
- dadb961 Change name of postcode cleaner class and make it return a new string instead of modifying the one passed in
- 1098720 Attempt to get consistent capitalisation in class names with postcode in them - Part 2
- 816799b Attempt to get consistent capitalisation in class names with postcode in them - Part 1
- 3d45c6e Return distance in metres in GetNearbyPostcodes function
- 61f237b GetNearbyPostcodesHandler tests
- 1c23772 Add GetPostcodeHandler test
- 5e735f6 Update postcode cleaning logic to add a space before the inward code
- 237242f Merge master into branch
- 5ee740e Filter out QAS Search responses that don't contain a Format ID
- 22fdc64 MapToPostcodeDto test
- 3497455 Add QasMapper GetFormatIds test
- 6a26dec Automatically register and test Automapper profile classes
- 7014247 Add AutoMapper config tests
- e4fcacd Make number of nearest postcodes configurable
- eaeb0ca Use Dapper instead of Entity Framework to save and retrieve postcodes for efficiency (saving 741 addresses from 5 postcodes took 9ms instead of 359ms)
- ab292a3 Change table and colums names for consistency
- 2a876fe Fix bug where the first time a new postcode was requested, the postcode would be null in the AddressDetails
- b739204 Increase AddressDetails column sizes
- fcb4d96 Validate postcode using regex, postcodes stored in DB and Postcode IO. Also return standard response format for unhandled errors.
- 9d994e2 build fixes
- 3fad536 Modified the Startup class so it can pick up a different connection string when running locally again.
- 1ac02e4 Add PostcodeValidator class
- e920942 add di for repository
- 4686311 change to source file
- 00459de Merge Wills branch
- ab5ee62 connection string tweaks to make service work when deployed on azure
- b3b73c9 Add postcode validation endpoint
- ab34b1e Add PostcodeGetter tests
- c983fff Move postcode and address getting logic to a separate class so it can be shared by different handlers and is easier to unit test
- 25ce31c Fix sql issues
- 0623731 change project to .net standard
- a0cab37 Add Test function
- ce62907 add reference to System.Data.SqlClient 4.6.1
- 0782768 Try and fix environment variables
- 27f25d2 make local.settings.json optional
- 2875948 Connect to DB
- 9a8cbc6 Add unique index on postcode to prevent duplicates (and faster querying)
- a70c09f log unhandled errors
- 9507937 Support CancellationToken
- 7a4fb5d accept compressedresponses
- 68bfed9 progress
- 3182795 Add database
- f19ac95 Add LastUpdated column to Postcode
- ecc516d fix build and add connection string
- acaefeb progress - check in DB if postcode has already been saved down and if not call QAS to get address object for each individual address for a postcode
- 9e34178 Merge branch 'master' of
- 65231ca Remove count methods
- 29fa2b7 Update azure-pipelines.yml for Azure Pipelines
- da33e8f Update azure-pipelines.yml for Azure Pipelines
- 3d76eb0 Add unit test project
- e6e1feb Update azure-pipelines.yml for Azure Pipelines
- fe043dc Add postcode validation
- 17248fd put GetNearbyPostCodes and GetPostcode into Address Service
- 29b2096 Update azure-pipelines.yml for Azure Pipelines
- 0e2b697 Update azure-pipelines.yml for Azure Pipelines
- d455eb8 Update azure-pipelines.yml for Azure Pipelines
- 9b14507 Update azure-pipelines.yml for Azure Pipelines
- 5975024 Update azure-pipelines.yml for Azure Pipelines
- 77d8e89 Set up CI with Azure Pipelines
- 3422fa4 add decrement handler and function
- 9c81b76 Add repo methods for decrement methods
- d3a53c5 remove stub repo methods
- faa995d Add PostIncrementCount
- c341652 Add repo GetVolunteerCount
- bc4cd54 Add VolunteerCount properties to EF Core entities
- 58253a8 Add GetVolunteerCount
- f790337 Only allow get for GetNearbyStatuCodes
- 3a73ecb Rename methods
- d3df2ba Rename handler
- 6d90ae2 add two methods
- 40d7272 First commit
This list of changes was auto generated.