This is a Discord bot written in C++ using the D++ library. It's a JTC voice channels manager. It assumes that fmtlib and D++ are already installed.
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j
If DPP is installed in a different location you can specify the root directory to look in while running cmake
cmake .. -DDPP_ROOT_DIR=<your-path>
Create a config.json in the directory above the build directory:
"BOT_TOKEN": "Bot token here",
"BOT_DM_LOGS_ID" : "ID of the channel for DM logs",
"MY_ID" : "Creator ID"
Start the bot:
cd build
You can add as many header files and .cpp files into the src and include folders as you wish. All .cpp files in the src directory will be linked together into the bot's executable.
To rename the bot, search and replace "guidingLight" in the CMakeLists.txt
with your new bots name and then rename the guidingLight folder in include. Rerun cmake ..
from the build
directory and rebuild. You might need to re-create the build directory.