An Android application to learn latest technologies in android world!
ImageFinder is an Android application to search images! You can find any image in this app. You can help to keep it up to date if you like ;)
This application is designed to find any kind of images. You just need to search a word!
Technologies that have been used in this projects are :
- Dark Mode
- ViewModel
- ViewModelFactory
- DI via Dagger2
- Retrofit
- RxJava
- Kotlin
- LiveData
- Unit Test
I will add more tests in the future as I didnt have enough time to add integrated and end-to-end test.
The api is provided by shotterstock. for more information please visit their website.
You can dowload the app from google play soon!
ImageFinder is released under the Apache License 2.0. See LICENSE for details.
Copyright (c) 2019 Pouya Heydari