this file has fours variable
thread_limit = 4 # the threading limit
proxy = 0 # 0: desactivate proxy, 1: activate proxy
smtpf = "smtp.txt" # smtp accounts file path
jobsf = "jobs.txt" # job file path
bodyf = "body.txt" # body file path
this file hold the credential in the folowing format [smtp_address]:[user]:[password]:[port] # port can be 25, 587 or 465
this file hold the jobs (the emails to send), in the specific format, "we can change the sender name/email as we want" [sender_name]:[sender_email]:[receiver_name]:[receiver_email]:[reply_to_email]
this file hold the dynamic message to send, it call dynamic because we have some variabls that change according to each job,
these varibale are:
> _From : it will replaced by the sender name
> _To : it will replaced by the receiver name
> _Femail : it will replaced by the sender email
> _Temail : it will replaced by the receiver email