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Helping out with the X‐wing Plug‐in

Henning Roos edited this page Feb 9, 2018 · 1 revision

Contributing to the Plug-in

Coding, graphics and translation contributions are most welcome! If you want to help you can follow these steps:

  1. Follow the Developer Setup
  2. Create a development branch (git checkout -b your_branch_name)
  3. Make changes (it is recommended that you use Strange Eons' editors for this, so you easily can test your changes)
  4. Test the changes using Strange Eons (you may use the User Story Definition of Done as a guideline)
  5. Commit relevant changes and write a nice commit message (see how to write nice commit messages)
  6. Push to the remote branch (git push origin your_branch_name)
  7. Make a pull request (go to "branches" in github and hit "New pull request")

strange-eons-xwing-plug-in Backlog

Github projects is used as a backlog manager for all the issues in this project and it is found here: Backlog

(The issue labels that are just numbers are size estimations.)

User Story Definition of Done

Use your own judgement on this and copy relevant parts and paste into user stories to make a helpful checklist