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Hardhat Template Open in Gitpod Github Actions Hardhat License: MIT

A Hardhat-based template for developing Solidity smart contracts, with sensible defaults.

Getting Started

Click the Use this template button at the top of the page to create a new repository with this repo as the initial state.


This template builds upon the frameworks and libraries mentioned above, so for details about their specific features, please consult their respective documentations.

For example, for Hardhat, you can refer to the Hardhat Tutorial and the Hardhat Docs. You might be in particular interested in reading the Testing Contracts section.

Sensible Defaults

This template comes with sensible default configurations in the following files:

├── .editorconfig
├── .eslintignore
├── .eslintrc.yml
├── .gitignore
├── .prettierignore
├── .prettierrc.yml
├── .solcover.js
├── .solhint.json
└── hardhat.config.ts

VSCode Integration

This template is IDE agnostic, but for the best user experience, you may want to use it in VSCode alongside Nomic Foundation's Solidity extension.

GitHub Actions

This template comes with GitHub Actions pre-configured. Your contracts will be linted and tested on every push and pull request made to the main branch.

Note though that to make this work, you must use your INFURA_API_KEY and your MNEMONIC as GitHub secrets.

You can edit the CI script in .github/workflows/ci.yml.


Pre Requisites

Install pnpm

Before being able to run any command, you need to create a .env file and set a BIP-39 compatible mnemonic as the MNEMONIC environment variable. You can follow the example in .env.example or start with the following command:

cp .env.example .env

If you don't already have a mnemonic, you can use this website to generate one. An alternative, if you have foundry installed is to use the cast wallet new-mnemonic command.

Then, install all needed dependencies - please make sure to use Node v20 or more recent:

pnpm install


Compile the smart contracts with Hardhat:

pnpm compile


Compile the smart contracts and generate TypeChain bindings:

pnpm typechain


Run the tests with Hardhat - this will run the tests on a local hardhat node in mocked mode (i.e the FHE operations and decryptions will be simulated by default):

pnpm test

Lint Solidity

Lint the Solidity code:

pnpm lint:sol

Lint TypeScript

Lint the TypeScript code:

pnpm lint:ts


Delete the smart contract artifacts, the coverage reports and the Hardhat cache:

pnpm clean

Mocked mode

The mocked mode allows faster testing and the ability to analyze coverage of the tests. In this mocked version, encrypted types are not really encrypted, and the tests are run on the original version of the EVM, on a local hardhat network instance. To run the tests in mocked mode, you can use directly the following command:

pnpm test

You can still use all the usual specific hardhat network methods, such as evm_snapshot, evm_mine, evm_increaseTime, etc, which are very helpful in a testing context. Another useful hardhat feature, is the console.log function which can be used in fhevm smart contracts in mocked mode as well.

To analyze the coverage of the tests (in mocked mode necessarily, as this cannot be done on the real fhEVM node), you can use this command :

pnpm coverage

Then open the file coverage/index.html. You can see there which line or branch for each contract which has been covered or missed by your test suite. This allows increased security by pointing out missing branches not covered yet by the current tests.

Finally, a new fhevm-specific feature is available in mocked mode: the debug.decrypt[XX] functions, which can decrypt directly any encrypted value. Please refer to the utils.ts file for the corresponding documentation.


Due to intrinsic limitations of the original EVM, the mocked version differs in rare edge cases from the real fhEVM, the main difference is the gas consumption for the FHE operations (native gas is around 20% underestimated in mocked mode). This means that before deploying to production, developers should still run the tests with the original fhEVM node, as a final check - i.e in non-mocked mode (see next section).

Non-mocked mode - Sepolia

To run your test on a real fhevm node, you can use the coprocessor deployed on the Sepolia test network. To do this, ensure you are using a valid value SEPOLIA_RPC_URL in your .env file. You can get free Sepolia RPC URLs by creating an account on services such as Infura or Alchemy. Then you can use the following command:

npx hardhat test [PATH_TO_YOUR_TEST] --network sepolia

The --network sepolia flag will make your test run on a real fhevm coprocessor. Obviously, for the same tests to pass on Sepolia, contrarily to mocked mode, you are not allowed to use any hardhat node specific method, and neither use any of the debug.decrypt[XX] functions.


For this test to succeed, first ensure you set your own private MNEMONIC variable in the .env file and then ensure you have funded your test accounts on Sepolia. For example you can use the following command to get the corresponding private keys associated with the first 5 accounts derived from the mnemonic:

npx hardhat get-accounts --num-accounts 5

This will let you add them to the Metamask app, to easily fund them from your personal wallet.

If you don't own already Sepolia test tokens, you can for example use a free faucet such as

Another faster way to test the coprocessor on Sepolia is to simply run the following command:

pnpm deploy-sepolia

This would automatically deploy an instance of the MyConfidentialERC20 example contract on Sepolia. You could then use this other command to mint some amount of confidential tokens:

pnpm mint-sepolia

Etherscan verification

If you are using a real instance of the fhEVM, you can verify your deployed contracts on the Etherscan explorer. You first need to set the ETHERSCAN_API_KEY variable in the .env file to a valid value. You can get such an API key for free by creating an account on the Etherscan website.

Then, simply use the verify-deployed hardhat task, via this command:

npx hardhat verify-deployed --address [ADDRESS_CONTRACT_TO_VERIFY] --contract [FULL_CONTRACT_PATH] --args "[CONSTRUCTOR_ARGUMENTS_COMMA_SEPARATED]" --network [NETWORK_NAME]

As a concrete example, to verify the deployed MyConfidentialERC20 from previous section, you can use:

npx hardhat verify-deployed --address [CONFIDENTIAL_ERC20_ADDRESS] --contract contracts/MyConfidentialERC20.sol:MyConfidentialERC20 --args "Naraggara,NARA" --network sepolia

Note that you should replace the address placeholder [CONFIDENTIAL_ERC20_ADDRESS] by the concrete address that is logged when you run the pnpm deploy-sepolia deployment script.

Syntax Highlighting

If you use VSCode, you can get Solidity syntax highlighting with the hardhat-solidity extension.


This project is licensed under MIT.









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