This is a collection of all reference core connectors from COMESA Digital Retail Payments Platform project.
- Airtel Core Connector Zambia
Clone this repository or fork it.
git clone
Change into the cloned directory
cd ml-reference-connectors
Create a new core connector by running this command
./ -c zm -n airtel
Once you have run this command, it will created a folder named airtel-zm-core-connector
This command also creates a new branch for the core connector. For this connector, it will be called ft/airtel-zm-core-connector
Do not commit directly to main. Only work on the core connector you created or are assigned to. This will prevent merge conflicts
Run these commands to setup the newly created connector
Make sure nvm is installed
nvm install
nvm use
npm i
To build a new core connector refer to the core connector template guide here to refactor your newly created connector for the new dfsp