Gender and age range information are set as user's information when the user first enter the service.
- There are
Male / Female / Non binary
- Options are
early 20's, late 20's, early 30's ... late 50's
- Use Korea Meteorological Administration API (기상청_생활기상지수 조회서비스(3.0)) for retrieving ultraviolet(UV) level and apparent temperature (체감 온도).
- The three types of location information is needed (ex.
광주광역시 / 북구 / 용봉동
- Circumstance to be considered when making styling.
- Options are as follows.
[꾸안꾸, 여름코디, 데일리, 데이트, 캠퍼스룩, 여행, 출근룩, 하객룩, 휴양지, 놀이공원, 카페, 운동, 축제, 파티, 소개팅]
- Multi choice is possible.
- Mainly developed with Python
- Image generation with Dall-e
- Functions are deployed with (FastAPI)[]